A certain sport called football (soccer) was born in Italy (the old version, the "calcio storico" fiorentino or "calcio in costume" toscano), then the English gave modern rules.
As you might know, the most successful club in the world, AC Milan (18 international trophies), was created by a group of English and Italian people (the main one was Herbert Kilpin, an Englishman from Nottingham), who used to meet in a tavern, a wine shop called Fiaschetteria Toscana (in via Berchet street no.3, now there isn't that bar anymore), just like today we Italians meet English people at the Football English pub here. So, there are some Inter Milan fans who mock us because tavern = being drunk. But at the tavern they just used to meet, as it was normal. The official foundation was at the Hotel du Nord et des Anglais (Hotel of North and of the English), and this place still exists today, called Hotel Principe di Savoia (near the main station, the photo I posted some days ago, with the AC Milan-England symbol, the Christian cross of Saint George, also symbol of the whole Milano city). This is where Oasis used to stay many years ago and we were meeting them there.
Photo: it's that palace behind Liam Gallagher, on 30 May 2000, the first "Beady Eye" gig, because it was the first one without Noel. (AC turned 100 years old just a few months before).
You should also know that if AC Milan didn't exist, not even the second team in Milano, Inter Milan (9 international trophies) would have existed, as they were born 9 years later from some AC fans... Inter was born because of people arguing, as if they were the Gallaghers. In fact, still today there's always some...internal confusion in that team.
In the '90s we used to meet Oasis in Jesus street at the Four Seasons hotel (also David Beckham used to stay there), beside the first fashion street in the world, but then it seems they didn't want the Gallaghers anymore (in those years they were really mad).
Of course, the city of Milano is also the first football city in the world, 18+9= 27 international trophies.
Se state ad ascoltare le baggianate che dice l'interista Gianluca Rossi (su TopCalcio24-Telelombardia-Antenna3), prima o poi vi farà credere che la terra è piatta.
Milanisti e juventini se ne sono accorti da tempo, perchè persino molti interisti cominciano ad accorgersene.
Tempo fa riportavo molte di quelle che diceva, completamente false, parziali e tendenziose, ma erano talmente tante che mi sono poi stancato. D'altronde come si fa a parlare di calcio con una persona del genere, che quando la provochi ti dice "ti prendo a calci"... complimentoni. Non vedevo l'ora, lo aspettavo con ansia. E con una mazza da baseball, lol. D'altronde lui ha sempre sostenuto che nel calcio la morale non deve esistere e quindi "chi se ne frega se ci si comporta male"... ah beh, bell'esempio, calcolate solo il fatto che la gente vive di calcio, e giusto qualche milioncino di persone ha in mente solo quello.
Poi l'altro giorno, parlando di Simone Farina quel giocatore che ha denunciato il calcioscommesse, Rossi ha fatto uno dei suoi discorsoni: grande esempio di moralità nel calcio bla bla... ma allora bisogna comportarsi bene o male?
Per non parlare delle sue previsioni, tutte andate alla malora, del tipo: "passeranno molti allenatori prima che Balotelli se ne vada dall'Inter". Se n'era subito andato, pure buttando la maglia per terra e rispondendo agli insulti degli interisti (solo perchè - a quasi freddo - Mourinho l'aveva fatto entrare e aveva sbagliato un passaggio alla fine di Inter-Barcelona già ormai vinta grazie ai soliti aiuti arbitrali, quando la sua presenza era ininfluente, insultato da tifosi e Mourinho).
La più bella è stata la "Grande Sfida" (spesso mi sembra un bambino) che Rossi ha lanciato nella scorsa stagione: vediamo chi vincerà di più tra Milan e Inter nei prossimi 5 anni. Detto fatto e il Milan ha subito vinto lo scudetto, battendo l'Inter 0-1 e 3-0, e la Supercoppa, 2-1 proprio contro l'Inter. Il motivo per cui ha lanciato la sfida è perchè è stufo di rosicare sul passato, che è chiaramente a favore del Milan.
Speriamo che continui con le sue previsioni, potrebbe essere la nuova Teodora Stefanova (che lui prende sempre troppo in giro, ma lei ci azzecca enormemente di più).
L'ora dedicata all'Inter è di un'ignoranza talmente crassa... Parlano di tutto fuorchè di calcio, una marea di stronzate.
Riguardo alla nascita del Milan, lui come sempre con tutto campa su qualche sua battutona (peccato che non faccia così il brillante quando in studio c'è Mauro Suma, che lo fa rigare dritto). Ripete fino alla nausea che "voi siete nati in una fiaschetteria" e che "i milanisti vengono dalla periferia con il pullman, gli interisti dal centro"... A parte il fatto che questo categorizzare i tifosi come razze a zone è completamente senza senso, e molto interista, e quando Emilio Bianchi gli ha ricordato che il Milan in realtà nacque all'Hotel du Nord (oggi Principe di Savoia), Rossi fa: vedi, Stazione Centrale, quindi periferia... E a parte il fatto che non è proprio periferia, anzi piazza della Repubblica viene spesso considerata centro, ma così dicendo si contraddice, perchè se pensa che il Milan sia nato in una fiaschetteria, era la Fiaschetteria Toscana di via Berchet n.3, pieno centro, attaccata alla Galleria Vittorio Emanuele (dove ora hanno fatto un negozio dell'Inter). E poi: il Milan storicamente è la squadra non solo del popolo, della classe operaia, ma anche degli aristocratici, dei nobili (ne conosco qualcuno, anche purtroppo, e sono milanisti), l'Inter dei borghesi. La nobità non abita propriamente in periferia, anzi ha qualcosa a che fare con quei bei palazzi che vedete passeggiando per il centro: è roba loro.
A sentire le sue stronzate, nella fiaschetteria ci è nato lui. Non ci fosse stata la fiaschetteria, non ci sarebbe poi stata neanche l'Inter.
Tra l'altro, ecco il motivo per cui Rossi dice queste cose, cioè perchè è un rosicone, c'è un altro "piccolo" particolare da ricordare: se il Milan non fosse nato, non sarebbe nata l'Inter 9 anni dopo, nata da una costola, nata da un litigio (infatti ancora oggi hanno sempre qualche casino...interno), da sempre e per sempre la seconda squadra di Milano, per storia e risultati.
Poi il Rossi, che dice di essere berlusconiano (un interista berlusconiano è un po' come un milanista comunista), afferma che "però Berlusconi dice delle cose che non stanno nè in cielo nè in terra". Si riferisce al fatto che Berlusconi dice di aver vinto più trofei di Bernabeu. La cosa che Rossi non capisce (o fa finta di non capire) è che si riferisce ai trofei INTERNAZIONALI... capisco che per un interista è difficile da capire... Bernabeu ha vinto 6 Champions e 1 Intercontinentale, Berlusconi 5 Champions, 3 Intercontinentali, 5 Supercoppe Europee. Come avrebbe potuto il Milan partecipare alla Liga spagnola? Sapete quel campionato in pratica senza difese... Impossibile. L'unico modo per confrontarsi con squadre straniere è ovviamente guardare i trofei dove possono partecipare tutti, che tra l'altro hanno molto più valore.
A certain sport called football (soccer) was born in Italy (the old version, the "calcio storico" fiorentino or "calcio in costume" toscano), then the English gave modern rules.
As you might know, the most successful club in the world, AC Milan (18 international trophies), was created by a group of English and Italian people (the main one was Herbert Kilpin, an Englishman from Nottingham), who used to meet in a tavern, a wine shop called Fiaschetteria Toscana (in via Berchet street no.3, now there isn't that bar anymore), just like today we Italians meet English people at the Football English pub here. So, there are some Inter Milan fans who mock us because tavern = being drunk. But at the tavern they just used to meet, as it was normal. The official foundation was at the Hotel du Nord et des Anglais (Hotel of North and of the English), and this place still exists today, called Hotel Principe di Savoia (near the main station, the photo I posted some days ago, with the AC Milan-England symbol, the Christian cross of Saint George, also symbol of the whole Milano city). This is where Oasis used to stay many years ago and we were meeting them there.
Photo: it's that palace behind Liam Gallagher, on 30 May 2000, the first "Beady Eye" gig, because it was the first one without Noel. (AC turned 100 years old just a few months before).
You should also know that if AC Milan didn't exist, not even the second team in Milano, Inter Milan (9 international trophies) would have existed, as they were born 9 years later from some AC fans... Inter was born because of people arguing, as if they were the Gallaghers. In fact, still today there's always some...internal confusion in that team.
In the '90s we used to meet Oasis in Jesus street at the Four Seasons hotel (also David Beckham used to stay there), beside the first fashion street in the world, but then it seems they didn't want the Gallaghers anymore (in those years they were really mad).
Of course, the city of Milano is also the first football city in the world, 18+9= 27 international trophies.
Se state ad ascoltare le baggianate che dice l'interista Gianluca Rossi (su TopCalcio24-Telelombardia-Antenna3), prima o poi vi farà credere che la terra è piatta.
Milanisti e juventini se ne sono accorti da tempo, perchè persino molti interisti cominciano ad accorgersene.
Tempo fa riportavo molte di quelle che diceva, completamente false, parziali e tendenziose, ma erano talmente tante che mi sono poi stancato. D'altronde come si fa a parlare di calcio con una persona del genere, che quando la provochi ti dice "ti prendo a calci"... complimentoni. Non vedevo l'ora, lo aspettavo con ansia. E con una mazza da baseball, lol. D'altronde lui ha sempre sostenuto che nel calcio la morale non deve esistere e quindi "chi se ne frega se ci si comporta male"... ah beh, bell'esempio, calcolate solo il fatto che la gente vive di calcio, e giusto qualche milioncino di persone ha in mente solo quello.
Poi l'altro giorno, parlando di Simone Farina quel giocatore che ha denunciato il calcioscommesse, Rossi ha fatto uno dei suoi discorsoni: grande esempio di moralità nel calcio bla bla... ma allora bisogna comportarsi bene o male?
Per non parlare delle sue previsioni, tutte andate alla malora, del tipo: "passeranno molti allenatori prima che Balotelli se ne vada dall'Inter". Se n'era subito andato, pure buttando la maglia per terra e rispondendo agli insulti degli interisti (solo perchè - a quasi freddo - Mourinho l'aveva fatto entrare e aveva sbagliato un passaggio alla fine di Inter-Barcelona già ormai vinta grazie ai soliti aiuti arbitrali, quando la sua presenza era ininfluente, insultato da tifosi e Mourinho).
La più bella è stata la "Grande Sfida" (spesso mi sembra un bambino) che Rossi ha lanciato nella scorsa stagione: vediamo chi vincerà di più tra Milan e Inter nei prossimi 5 anni. Detto fatto e il Milan ha subito vinto lo scudetto, battendo l'Inter 0-1 e 3-0, e la Supercoppa, 2-1 proprio contro l'Inter. Il motivo per cui ha lanciato la sfida è perchè è stufo di rosicare sul passato, che è chiaramente a favore del Milan.
Speriamo che continui con le sue previsioni, potrebbe essere la nuova Teodora Stefanova (che lui prende sempre troppo in giro, ma lei ci azzecca enormemente di più).
L'ora dedicata all'Inter è di un'ignoranza talmente crassa... Parlano di tutto fuorchè di calcio, una marea di stronzate.
Riguardo alla nascita del Milan, lui come sempre con tutto campa su qualche sua battutona (peccato che non faccia così il brillante quando in studio c'è Mauro Suma, che lo fa rigare dritto). Ripete fino alla nausea che "voi siete nati in una fiaschetteria" e che "i milanisti vengono dalla periferia con il pullman, gli interisti dal centro"... A parte il fatto che questo categorizzare i tifosi come razze a zone è completamente senza senso, e molto interista, e quando Emilio Bianchi gli ha ricordato che il Milan in realtà nacque all'Hotel du Nord (oggi Principe di Savoia), Rossi fa: vedi, Stazione Centrale, quindi periferia... E a parte il fatto che non è proprio periferia, anzi piazza della Repubblica viene spesso considerata centro, ma così dicendo si contraddice, perchè se pensa che il Milan sia nato in una fiaschetteria, era la Fiaschetteria Toscana di via Berchet n.3, pieno centro, attaccata alla Galleria Vittorio Emanuele (dove ora hanno fatto un negozio dell'Inter). E poi: il Milan storicamente è la squadra non solo del popolo, della classe operaia, ma anche degli aristocratici, dei nobili (ne conosco qualcuno, anche purtroppo, e sono milanisti), l'Inter dei borghesi. La nobità non abita propriamente in periferia, anzi ha qualcosa a che fare con quei bei palazzi che vedete passeggiando per il centro: è roba loro.
A sentire le sue stronzate, nella fiaschetteria ci è nato lui. Non ci fosse stata la fiaschetteria, non ci sarebbe poi stata neanche l'Inter.
Tra l'altro, ecco il motivo per cui Rossi dice queste cose, cioè perchè è un rosicone, c'è un altro "piccolo" particolare da ricordare: se il Milan non fosse nato, non sarebbe nata l'Inter 9 anni dopo, nata da una costola, nata da un litigio (infatti ancora oggi hanno sempre qualche casino...interno), da sempre e per sempre la seconda squadra di Milano, per storia e risultati.
Poi il Rossi, che dice di essere berlusconiano (un interista berlusconiano è un po' come un milanista comunista), afferma che "però Berlusconi dice delle cose che non stanno nè in cielo nè in terra". Si riferisce al fatto che Berlusconi dice di aver vinto più trofei di Bernabeu. La cosa che Rossi non capisce (o fa finta di non capire) è che si riferisce ai trofei INTERNAZIONALI... capisco che per un interista è difficile da capire... Bernabeu ha vinto 6 Champions e 1 Intercontinentale, Berlusconi 5 Champions, 3 Intercontinentali, 5 Supercoppe Europee. Come avrebbe potuto il Milan partecipare alla Liga spagnola? Sapete quel campionato in pratica senza difese... Impossibile. L'unico modo per confrontarsi con squadre straniere è ovviamente guardare i trofei dove possono partecipare tutti, che tra l'altro hanno molto più valore.
As you might know, the most successful club in the world, AC Milan (18 international trophies), was created by a group of English and Italian people (the main one was Herbert Kilpin, an Englishman from Nottingham), who used to meet in a tavern, a wine shop called Fiaschetteria Toscana (in via Berchet street no.3, now there isn't that bar anymore), just like today we Italians meet English people at the Football English pub here. So, there are some Inter Milan fans who mock us because tavern = being drunk. But at the tavern they just used to meet, as it was normal. The official foundation was at the Hotel du Nord et des Anglais (Hotel of North and of the English), and this place still exists today, called Hotel Principe di Savoia (near the main station, the photo I posted some days ago, with the AC Milan-England symbol, the Christian cross of Saint George, also symbol of the whole Milano city). This is where Oasis used to stay many years ago and we were meeting them there.
Photo: it's that palace behind Liam Gallagher, on 30 May 2000, the first "Beady Eye" gig, because it was the first one without Noel. (AC turned 100 years old just a few months before).
You should also know that if AC Milan didn't exist, not even the second team in Milano, Inter Milan (9 international trophies) would have existed, as they were born 9 years later from some AC fans... Inter was born because of people arguing, as if they were the Gallaghers. In fact, still today there's always some...internal confusion in that team.
In the '90s we used to meet Oasis in Jesus street at the Four Seasons hotel (also David Beckham used to stay there), beside the first fashion street in the world, but then it seems they didn't want the Gallaghers anymore (in those years they were really mad).
Of course, the city of Milano is also the first football city in the world, 18+9= 27 international trophies.
Se state ad ascoltare le baggianate che dice l'interista Gianluca Rossi (su TopCalcio24-Telelombardia-Antenna3), prima o poi vi farà credere che la terra è piatta.
Milanisti e juventini se ne sono accorti da tempo, perchè persino molti interisti cominciano ad accorgersene.
Tempo fa riportavo molte di quelle che diceva, completamente false, parziali e tendenziose, ma erano talmente tante che mi sono poi stancato. D'altronde come si fa a parlare di calcio con una persona del genere, che quando la provochi ti dice "ti prendo a calci"... complimentoni. Non vedevo l'ora, lo aspettavo con ansia. E con una mazza da baseball, lol. D'altronde lui ha sempre sostenuto che nel calcio la morale non deve esistere e quindi "chi se ne frega se ci si comporta male"... ah beh, bell'esempio, calcolate solo il fatto che la gente vive di calcio, e giusto qualche milioncino di persone ha in mente solo quello.
Poi l'altro giorno, parlando di Simone Farina quel giocatore che ha denunciato il calcioscommesse, Rossi ha fatto uno dei suoi discorsoni: grande esempio di moralità nel calcio bla bla... ma allora bisogna comportarsi bene o male?
Per non parlare delle sue previsioni, tutte andate alla malora, del tipo: "passeranno molti allenatori prima che Balotelli se ne vada dall'Inter". Se n'era subito andato, pure buttando la maglia per terra e rispondendo agli insulti degli interisti (solo perchè - a quasi freddo - Mourinho l'aveva fatto entrare e aveva sbagliato un passaggio alla fine di Inter-Barcelona già ormai vinta grazie ai soliti aiuti arbitrali, quando la sua presenza era ininfluente, insultato da tifosi e Mourinho).
La più bella è stata la "Grande Sfida" (spesso mi sembra un bambino) che Rossi ha lanciato nella scorsa stagione: vediamo chi vincerà di più tra Milan e Inter nei prossimi 5 anni. Detto fatto e il Milan ha subito vinto lo scudetto, battendo l'Inter 0-1 e 3-0, e la Supercoppa, 2-1 proprio contro l'Inter. Il motivo per cui ha lanciato la sfida è perchè è stufo di rosicare sul passato, che è chiaramente a favore del Milan.
Speriamo che continui con le sue previsioni, potrebbe essere la nuova Teodora Stefanova (che lui prende sempre troppo in giro, ma lei ci azzecca enormemente di più).
L'ora dedicata all'Inter è di un'ignoranza talmente crassa... Parlano di tutto fuorchè di calcio, una marea di stronzate.
Riguardo alla nascita del Milan, lui come sempre con tutto campa su qualche sua battutona (peccato che non faccia così il brillante quando in studio c'è Mauro Suma, che lo fa rigare dritto). Ripete fino alla nausea che "voi siete nati in una fiaschetteria" e che "i milanisti vengono dalla periferia con il pullman, gli interisti dal centro"... A parte il fatto che questo categorizzare i tifosi come razze a zone è completamente senza senso, e molto interista, e quando Emilio Bianchi gli ha ricordato che il Milan in realtà nacque all'Hotel du Nord (oggi Principe di Savoia), Rossi fa: vedi, Stazione Centrale, quindi periferia... E a parte il fatto che non è proprio periferia, anzi piazza della Repubblica viene spesso considerata centro, ma così dicendo si contraddice, perchè se pensa che il Milan sia nato in una fiaschetteria, era la Fiaschetteria Toscana di via Berchet n.3, pieno centro, attaccata alla Galleria Vittorio Emanuele (dove ora hanno fatto un negozio dell'Inter). E poi: il Milan storicamente è la squadra non solo del popolo, della classe operaia, ma anche degli aristocratici, dei nobili (ne conosco qualcuno, anche purtroppo, e sono milanisti), l'Inter dei borghesi. La nobità non abita propriamente in periferia, anzi ha qualcosa a che fare con quei bei palazzi che vedete passeggiando per il centro: è roba loro.
A sentire le sue stronzate, nella fiaschetteria ci è nato lui. Non ci fosse stata la fiaschetteria, non ci sarebbe poi stata neanche l'Inter.
Tra l'altro, ecco il motivo per cui Rossi dice queste cose, cioè perchè è un rosicone, c'è un altro "piccolo" particolare da ricordare: se il Milan non fosse nato, non sarebbe nata l'Inter 9 anni dopo, nata da una costola, nata da un litigio (infatti ancora oggi hanno sempre qualche casino...interno), da sempre e per sempre la seconda squadra di Milano, per storia e risultati.
Poi il Rossi, che dice di essere berlusconiano (un interista berlusconiano è un po' come un milanista comunista), afferma che "però Berlusconi dice delle cose che non stanno nè in cielo nè in terra". Si riferisce al fatto che Berlusconi dice di aver vinto più trofei di Bernabeu. La cosa che Rossi non capisce (o fa finta di non capire) è che si riferisce ai trofei INTERNAZIONALI... capisco che per un interista è difficile da capire... Bernabeu ha vinto 6 Champions e 1 Intercontinentale, Berlusconi 5 Champions, 3 Intercontinentali, 5 Supercoppe Europee. Come avrebbe potuto il Milan partecipare alla Liga spagnola? Sapete quel campionato in pratica senza difese... Impossibile. L'unico modo per confrontarsi con squadre straniere è ovviamente guardare i trofei dove possono partecipare tutti, che tra l'altro hanno molto più valore.
A certain sport called football (soccer) was born in Italy (the old version, the "calcio storico" fiorentino or "calcio in costume" toscano), then the English gave modern rules.
As you might know, the most successful club in the world, AC Milan (18 international trophies), was created by a group of English and Italian people (the main one was Herbert Kilpin, an Englishman from Nottingham), who used to meet in a tavern, a wine shop called Fiaschetteria Toscana (in via Berchet street no.3, now there isn't that bar anymore), just like today we Italians meet English people at the Football English pub here. So, there are some Inter Milan fans who mock us because tavern = being drunk. But at the tavern they just used to meet, as it was normal. The official foundation was at the Hotel du Nord et des Anglais (Hotel of North and of the English), and this place still exists today, called Hotel Principe di Savoia (near the main station, the photo I posted some days ago, with the AC Milan-England symbol, the Christian cross of Saint George, also symbol of the whole Milano city). This is where Oasis used to stay many years ago and we were meeting them there.
Photo: it's that palace behind Liam Gallagher, on 30 May 2000, the first "Beady Eye" gig, because it was the first one without Noel. (AC turned 100 years old just a few months before).
You should also know that if AC Milan didn't exist, not even the second team in Milano, Inter Milan (9 international trophies) would have existed, as they were born 9 years later from some AC fans... Inter was born because of people arguing, as if they were the Gallaghers. In fact, still today there's always some...internal confusion in that team.
In the '90s we used to meet Oasis in Jesus street at the Four Seasons hotel (also David Beckham used to stay there), beside the first fashion street in the world, but then it seems they didn't want the Gallaghers anymore (in those years they were really mad).
Of course, the city of Milano is also the first football city in the world, 18+9= 27 international trophies.
Se state ad ascoltare le baggianate che dice l'interista Gianluca Rossi (su TopCalcio24-Telelombardia-Antenna3), prima o poi vi farà credere che la terra è piatta.
Milanisti e juventini se ne sono accorti da tempo, perchè persino molti interisti cominciano ad accorgersene.
Tempo fa riportavo molte di quelle che diceva, completamente false, parziali e tendenziose, ma erano talmente tante che mi sono poi stancato. D'altronde come si fa a parlare di calcio con una persona del genere, che quando la provochi ti dice "ti prendo a calci"... complimentoni. Non vedevo l'ora, lo aspettavo con ansia. E con una mazza da baseball, lol. D'altronde lui ha sempre sostenuto che nel calcio la morale non deve esistere e quindi "chi se ne frega se ci si comporta male"... ah beh, bell'esempio, calcolate solo il fatto che la gente vive di calcio, e giusto qualche milioncino di persone ha in mente solo quello.
Poi l'altro giorno, parlando di Simone Farina quel giocatore che ha denunciato il calcioscommesse, Rossi ha fatto uno dei suoi discorsoni: grande esempio di moralità nel calcio bla bla... ma allora bisogna comportarsi bene o male?
Per non parlare delle sue previsioni, tutte andate alla malora, del tipo: "passeranno molti allenatori prima che Balotelli se ne vada dall'Inter". Se n'era subito andato, pure buttando la maglia per terra e rispondendo agli insulti degli interisti (solo perchè - a quasi freddo - Mourinho l'aveva fatto entrare e aveva sbagliato un passaggio alla fine di Inter-Barcelona già ormai vinta grazie ai soliti aiuti arbitrali, quando la sua presenza era ininfluente, insultato da tifosi e Mourinho).
La più bella è stata la "Grande Sfida" (spesso mi sembra un bambino) che Rossi ha lanciato nella scorsa stagione: vediamo chi vincerà di più tra Milan e Inter nei prossimi 5 anni. Detto fatto e il Milan ha subito vinto lo scudetto, battendo l'Inter 0-1 e 3-0, e la Supercoppa, 2-1 proprio contro l'Inter. Il motivo per cui ha lanciato la sfida è perchè è stufo di rosicare sul passato, che è chiaramente a favore del Milan.
Speriamo che continui con le sue previsioni, potrebbe essere la nuova Teodora Stefanova (che lui prende sempre troppo in giro, ma lei ci azzecca enormemente di più).
L'ora dedicata all'Inter è di un'ignoranza talmente crassa... Parlano di tutto fuorchè di calcio, una marea di stronzate.
Riguardo alla nascita del Milan, lui come sempre con tutto campa su qualche sua battutona (peccato che non faccia così il brillante quando in studio c'è Mauro Suma, che lo fa rigare dritto). Ripete fino alla nausea che "voi siete nati in una fiaschetteria" e che "i milanisti vengono dalla periferia con il pullman, gli interisti dal centro"... A parte il fatto che questo categorizzare i tifosi come razze a zone è completamente senza senso, e molto interista, e quando Emilio Bianchi gli ha ricordato che il Milan in realtà nacque all'Hotel du Nord (oggi Principe di Savoia), Rossi fa: vedi, Stazione Centrale, quindi periferia... E a parte il fatto che non è proprio periferia, anzi piazza della Repubblica viene spesso considerata centro, ma così dicendo si contraddice, perchè se pensa che il Milan sia nato in una fiaschetteria, era la Fiaschetteria Toscana di via Berchet n.3, pieno centro, attaccata alla Galleria Vittorio Emanuele (dove ora hanno fatto un negozio dell'Inter). E poi: il Milan storicamente è la squadra non solo del popolo, della classe operaia, ma anche degli aristocratici, dei nobili (ne conosco qualcuno, anche purtroppo, e sono milanisti), l'Inter dei borghesi. La nobità non abita propriamente in periferia, anzi ha qualcosa a che fare con quei bei palazzi che vedete passeggiando per il centro: è roba loro.
A sentire le sue stronzate, nella fiaschetteria ci è nato lui. Non ci fosse stata la fiaschetteria, non ci sarebbe poi stata neanche l'Inter.
Tra l'altro, ecco il motivo per cui Rossi dice queste cose, cioè perchè è un rosicone, c'è un altro "piccolo" particolare da ricordare: se il Milan non fosse nato, non sarebbe nata l'Inter 9 anni dopo, nata da una costola, nata da un litigio (infatti ancora oggi hanno sempre qualche casino...interno), da sempre e per sempre la seconda squadra di Milano, per storia e risultati.
Poi il Rossi, che dice di essere berlusconiano (un interista berlusconiano è un po' come un milanista comunista), afferma che "però Berlusconi dice delle cose che non stanno nè in cielo nè in terra". Si riferisce al fatto che Berlusconi dice di aver vinto più trofei di Bernabeu. La cosa che Rossi non capisce (o fa finta di non capire) è che si riferisce ai trofei INTERNAZIONALI... capisco che per un interista è difficile da capire... Bernabeu ha vinto 6 Champions e 1 Intercontinentale, Berlusconi 5 Champions, 3 Intercontinentali, 5 Supercoppe Europee. Come avrebbe potuto il Milan partecipare alla Liga spagnola? Sapete quel campionato in pratica senza difese... Impossibile. L'unico modo per confrontarsi con squadre straniere è ovviamente guardare i trofei dove possono partecipare tutti, che tra l'altro hanno molto più valore.
As you might know, the most successful club in the world, AC Milan (18 international trophies), was created by a group of English and Italian people (the main one was Herbert Kilpin, an Englishman from Nottingham), who used to meet in a tavern, a wine shop called Fiaschetteria Toscana (in via Berchet street no.3, now there isn't that bar anymore), just like today we Italians meet English people at the Football English pub here. So, there are some Inter Milan fans who mock us because tavern = being drunk. But at the tavern they just used to meet, as it was normal. The official foundation was at the Hotel du Nord et des Anglais (Hotel of North and of the English), and this place still exists today, called Hotel Principe di Savoia (near the main station, the photo I posted some days ago, with the AC Milan-England symbol, the Christian cross of Saint George, also symbol of the whole Milano city). This is where Oasis used to stay many years ago and we were meeting them there.
Photo: it's that palace behind Liam Gallagher, on 30 May 2000, the first "Beady Eye" gig, because it was the first one without Noel. (AC turned 100 years old just a few months before).
You should also know that if AC Milan didn't exist, not even the second team in Milano, Inter Milan (9 international trophies) would have existed, as they were born 9 years later from some AC fans... Inter was born because of people arguing, as if they were the Gallaghers. In fact, still today there's always some...internal confusion in that team.
In the '90s we used to meet Oasis in Jesus street at the Four Seasons hotel (also David Beckham used to stay there), beside the first fashion street in the world, but then it seems they didn't want the Gallaghers anymore (in those years they were really mad).
Of course, the city of Milano is also the first football city in the world, 18+9= 27 international trophies.
Se state ad ascoltare le baggianate che dice l'interista Gianluca Rossi (su TopCalcio24-Telelombardia-Antenna3), prima o poi vi farà credere che la terra è piatta.
Milanisti e juventini se ne sono accorti da tempo, perchè persino molti interisti cominciano ad accorgersene.
Tempo fa riportavo molte di quelle che diceva, completamente false, parziali e tendenziose, ma erano talmente tante che mi sono poi stancato. D'altronde come si fa a parlare di calcio con una persona del genere, che quando la provochi ti dice "ti prendo a calci"... complimentoni. Non vedevo l'ora, lo aspettavo con ansia. E con una mazza da baseball, lol. D'altronde lui ha sempre sostenuto che nel calcio la morale non deve esistere e quindi "chi se ne frega se ci si comporta male"... ah beh, bell'esempio, calcolate solo il fatto che la gente vive di calcio, e giusto qualche milioncino di persone ha in mente solo quello.
Poi l'altro giorno, parlando di Simone Farina quel giocatore che ha denunciato il calcioscommesse, Rossi ha fatto uno dei suoi discorsoni: grande esempio di moralità nel calcio bla bla... ma allora bisogna comportarsi bene o male?
Per non parlare delle sue previsioni, tutte andate alla malora, del tipo: "passeranno molti allenatori prima che Balotelli se ne vada dall'Inter". Se n'era subito andato, pure buttando la maglia per terra e rispondendo agli insulti degli interisti (solo perchè - a quasi freddo - Mourinho l'aveva fatto entrare e aveva sbagliato un passaggio alla fine di Inter-Barcelona già ormai vinta grazie ai soliti aiuti arbitrali, quando la sua presenza era ininfluente, insultato da tifosi e Mourinho).
La più bella è stata la "Grande Sfida" (spesso mi sembra un bambino) che Rossi ha lanciato nella scorsa stagione: vediamo chi vincerà di più tra Milan e Inter nei prossimi 5 anni. Detto fatto e il Milan ha subito vinto lo scudetto, battendo l'Inter 0-1 e 3-0, e la Supercoppa, 2-1 proprio contro l'Inter. Il motivo per cui ha lanciato la sfida è perchè è stufo di rosicare sul passato, che è chiaramente a favore del Milan.
Speriamo che continui con le sue previsioni, potrebbe essere la nuova Teodora Stefanova (che lui prende sempre troppo in giro, ma lei ci azzecca enormemente di più).
L'ora dedicata all'Inter è di un'ignoranza talmente crassa... Parlano di tutto fuorchè di calcio, una marea di stronzate.
Riguardo alla nascita del Milan, lui come sempre con tutto campa su qualche sua battutona (peccato che non faccia così il brillante quando in studio c'è Mauro Suma, che lo fa rigare dritto). Ripete fino alla nausea che "voi siete nati in una fiaschetteria" e che "i milanisti vengono dalla periferia con il pullman, gli interisti dal centro"... A parte il fatto che questo categorizzare i tifosi come razze a zone è completamente senza senso, e molto interista, e quando Emilio Bianchi gli ha ricordato che il Milan in realtà nacque all'Hotel du Nord (oggi Principe di Savoia), Rossi fa: vedi, Stazione Centrale, quindi periferia... E a parte il fatto che non è proprio periferia, anzi piazza della Repubblica viene spesso considerata centro, ma così dicendo si contraddice, perchè se pensa che il Milan sia nato in una fiaschetteria, era la Fiaschetteria Toscana di via Berchet n.3, pieno centro, attaccata alla Galleria Vittorio Emanuele (dove ora hanno fatto un negozio dell'Inter). E poi: il Milan storicamente è la squadra non solo del popolo, della classe operaia, ma anche degli aristocratici, dei nobili (ne conosco qualcuno, anche purtroppo, e sono milanisti), l'Inter dei borghesi. La nobità non abita propriamente in periferia, anzi ha qualcosa a che fare con quei bei palazzi che vedete passeggiando per il centro: è roba loro.
A sentire le sue stronzate, nella fiaschetteria ci è nato lui. Non ci fosse stata la fiaschetteria, non ci sarebbe poi stata neanche l'Inter.
Tra l'altro, ecco il motivo per cui Rossi dice queste cose, cioè perchè è un rosicone, c'è un altro "piccolo" particolare da ricordare: se il Milan non fosse nato, non sarebbe nata l'Inter 9 anni dopo, nata da una costola, nata da un litigio (infatti ancora oggi hanno sempre qualche casino...interno), da sempre e per sempre la seconda squadra di Milano, per storia e risultati.
Poi il Rossi, che dice di essere berlusconiano (un interista berlusconiano è un po' come un milanista comunista), afferma che "però Berlusconi dice delle cose che non stanno nè in cielo nè in terra". Si riferisce al fatto che Berlusconi dice di aver vinto più trofei di Bernabeu. La cosa che Rossi non capisce (o fa finta di non capire) è che si riferisce ai trofei INTERNAZIONALI... capisco che per un interista è difficile da capire... Bernabeu ha vinto 6 Champions e 1 Intercontinentale, Berlusconi 5 Champions, 3 Intercontinentali, 5 Supercoppe Europee. Come avrebbe potuto il Milan partecipare alla Liga spagnola? Sapete quel campionato in pratica senza difese... Impossibile. L'unico modo per confrontarsi con squadre straniere è ovviamente guardare i trofei dove possono partecipare tutti, che tra l'altro hanno molto più valore.
About Milano in 2011, it has been a very bad year, with the change of mayor (a communist one, so of course no progress), everything got worse and the people, even many of those of voted him, are not happy with him.
He raised the price of transports (+50%) and the service has not been improved.
About the "Ecopass" to pay, people are even angry.
Recently he even stopped the cars circulation some days, to solve the high level of air pollution, and the pollution even raised (hilarious). Clearly cars are not the main problem, but it's the heating boilers.
Here are some images we won't forget about 2011, definitely marked by Italy protagonist (150th anniversary).
Unforgettable Liam Gallagher wearing the Italian flag, the decline of Noel Gallagher, Mario Balotelli historic 1-6 to Manchester United and unforgettable "why always me" shirt (someday he will join his favourite team AC Milan), Manchester City with Mancini winning a cup after 35 years, Tevez already in red&black :), AC Milan winning league&supercup, Jenson Button winning the most incredible race ever seen in decades (from last to first), thanks to Italian pasta provided to him ;) (many Italians work for McLaren).
I think there shouldn't be anything more this year... ah by the end of the year there should be that thing Liam said: "calling the kid Beady Eye" :). Maybe an English model fan of Oasis is coming to Milan... maybe. Oh but this is part of the "personal things".
Song of the year: Beady Eye, "In a bubble with a bullet", Noel could never write that, too happy.
2012: the year starts with 2 derbies, Milan and Manchester, there will be Beady Eye 2nd album (and Noel's), Liam's Beatles film, Manchester City trying to win the league (Milan the same), Button to win the world championship, maybe Tevez@Milan, Euro 2012, Olympic Games in London.
Noel always said he would have written a song for football events, but of course he never did. Classic Noel. A lie from him? How rare, lol.
He raised the price of transports (+50%) and the service has not been improved.
About the "Ecopass" to pay, people are even angry.
Recently he even stopped the cars circulation some days, to solve the high level of air pollution, and the pollution even raised (hilarious). Clearly cars are not the main problem, but it's the heating boilers.
2011, great year. "if you came with me, the days would never end, will never be the same" (It's Better People).
Best song: In the Bubble with a Bullet. Many meetings with Beady Eye, 3 in Milan, Florence, etc. Italy flag. Beady's Beat goes on, Evelina, Swedish girls. Best goal: (Swedish) Zlatan Ibra(himovic), Galliani hilarious reaction. Football English Pub when there were real blue bubbles. Duomo. An alcohol lemon haze. Red&black AC Milan celebrating mixed with Mancini-red&black Manchester City Blue Moon 1st cup in 35 years, Tevez, Mario Balotelli song. AC Milan's Dolce&Gabbana party. Button from last to 1st position. Monza. McLaren shop in Milan. Mario "M" hair just like my pubic hair ahaha. 6 times, Manchester United tennis-derby 1-6 Mario, why always me. Mod Lambretta-Eicma girls. Moonwalk Michael Jackson-Boateng. 2012 morning dawn (Beady's Morning son), 2nd album, different year, still speeding. I'm a fucking genius.
note: between Liam and Dolce & Gabbana I put a subliminal image (could be a good sign of luck) of Pretty Green in Milan, as Brad Pitt did in Fight Club (he put a penis, lol)
I forgot the girls who wanted to pay me to stay on the front row, me bitch, lol. They wanted to shoot photos with me, as if I was a landmark :). With my videos around I'm a media darling, not like Noel but like AC Milan :) (just kidding).
I forgot the girls who wanted to pay me to stay on the front row, me bitch, lol. They wanted to shoot photos with me, as if I was a landmark :). With my videos around I'm a media darling, not like Noel but like AC Milan :) (just kidding).

Unforgettable Liam Gallagher wearing the Italian flag, the decline of Noel Gallagher, Mario Balotelli historic 1-6 to Manchester United and unforgettable "why always me" shirt (someday he will join his favourite team AC Milan), Manchester City with Mancini winning a cup after 35 years, Tevez already in red&black :), AC Milan winning league&supercup, Jenson Button winning the most incredible race ever seen in decades (from last to first), thanks to Italian pasta provided to him ;) (many Italians work for McLaren).
I think there shouldn't be anything more this year... ah by the end of the year there should be that thing Liam said: "calling the kid Beady Eye" :). Maybe an English model fan of Oasis is coming to Milan... maybe. Oh but this is part of the "personal things".
Song of the year: Beady Eye, "In a bubble with a bullet", Noel could never write that, too happy.
2012: the year starts with 2 derbies, Milan and Manchester, there will be Beady Eye 2nd album (and Noel's), Liam's Beatles film, Manchester City trying to win the league (Milan the same), Button to win the world championship, maybe Tevez@Milan, Euro 2012, Olympic Games in London.
Noel always said he would have written a song for football events, but of course he never did. Classic Noel. A lie from him? How rare, lol.
In 2006 the film Goal soundtrack had Oasis' "Who put the weight of the world on my shoulders".
Here's the rare instrumental version, it's quite easy to play by guitar, I used to cover it. I added photos for Euro 2012 (one of the girls playing football is from Bulgaria, nevermind). Also featuring Giovanni Trapattoni from Milan. All the people from Denmark I've known, are big fans of Italy, more than anyone else, don't really know why. Or maybe I was too drunk when I met Danish people to remember why :).
At the end you can see what was the end of the English-Italian Paul the octopus, lol (so next time no predictions of Spain winning, thanks).
Oh and, about france, the only pic I could put, was stupid Uefa Platini.
About Milano in 2011, it has been a very bad year, with the change of mayor (a communist one, so of course no progress), everything got worse and the people, even many of those of voted him, are not happy with him.
He raised the price of transports (+50%) and the service has not been improved.
About the "Ecopass" to pay, people are even angry.
Recently he even stopped the cars circulation some days, to solve the high level of air pollution, and the pollution even raised (hilarious). Clearly cars are not the main problem, but it's the heating boilers.
Here are some images we won't forget about 2011, definitely marked by Italy protagonist (150th anniversary).
Unforgettable Liam Gallagher wearing the Italian flag, the decline of Noel Gallagher, Mario Balotelli historic 1-6 to Manchester United and unforgettable "why always me" shirt (someday he will join his favourite team AC Milan), Manchester City with Mancini winning a cup after 35 years, Tevez already in red&black :), AC Milan winning league&supercup, Jenson Button winning the most incredible race ever seen in decades (from last to first), thanks to Italian pasta provided to him ;) (many Italians work for McLaren).
I think there shouldn't be anything more this year... ah by the end of the year there should be that thing Liam said: "calling the kid Beady Eye" :). Maybe an English model fan of Oasis is coming to Milan... maybe. Oh but this is part of the "personal things".
Song of the year: Beady Eye, "In a bubble with a bullet", Noel could never write that, too happy.
2012: the year starts with 2 derbies, Milan and Manchester, there will be Beady Eye 2nd album (and Noel's), Liam's Beatles film, Manchester City trying to win the league (Milan the same), Button to win the world championship, maybe Tevez@Milan, Euro 2012, Olympic Games in London.
Noel always said he would have written a song for football events, but of course he never did. Classic Noel. A lie from him? How rare, lol.
He raised the price of transports (+50%) and the service has not been improved.
About the "Ecopass" to pay, people are even angry.
Recently he even stopped the cars circulation some days, to solve the high level of air pollution, and the pollution even raised (hilarious). Clearly cars are not the main problem, but it's the heating boilers.
2011, great year. "if you came with me, the days would never end, will never be the same" (It's Better People).
Best song: In the Bubble with a Bullet. Many meetings with Beady Eye, 3 in Milan, Florence, etc. Italy flag. Beady's Beat goes on, Evelina, Swedish girls. Best goal: (Swedish) Zlatan Ibra(himovic), Galliani hilarious reaction. Football English Pub when there were real blue bubbles. Duomo. An alcohol lemon haze. Red&black AC Milan celebrating mixed with Mancini-red&black Manchester City Blue Moon 1st cup in 35 years, Tevez, Mario Balotelli song. AC Milan's Dolce&Gabbana party. Button from last to 1st position. Monza. McLaren shop in Milan. Mario "M" hair just like my pubic hair ahaha. 6 times, Manchester United tennis-derby 1-6 Mario, why always me. Mod Lambretta-Eicma girls. Moonwalk Michael Jackson-Boateng. 2012 morning dawn (Beady's Morning son), 2nd album, different year, still speeding. I'm a fucking genius.
note: between Liam and Dolce & Gabbana I put a subliminal image (could be a good sign of luck) of Pretty Green in Milan, as Brad Pitt did in Fight Club (he put a penis, lol)
I forgot the girls who wanted to pay me to stay on the front row, me bitch, lol. They wanted to shoot photos with me, as if I was a landmark :). With my videos around I'm a media darling, not like Noel but like AC Milan :) (just kidding).
I forgot the girls who wanted to pay me to stay on the front row, me bitch, lol. They wanted to shoot photos with me, as if I was a landmark :). With my videos around I'm a media darling, not like Noel but like AC Milan :) (just kidding).

Unforgettable Liam Gallagher wearing the Italian flag, the decline of Noel Gallagher, Mario Balotelli historic 1-6 to Manchester United and unforgettable "why always me" shirt (someday he will join his favourite team AC Milan), Manchester City with Mancini winning a cup after 35 years, Tevez already in red&black :), AC Milan winning league&supercup, Jenson Button winning the most incredible race ever seen in decades (from last to first), thanks to Italian pasta provided to him ;) (many Italians work for McLaren).
I think there shouldn't be anything more this year... ah by the end of the year there should be that thing Liam said: "calling the kid Beady Eye" :). Maybe an English model fan of Oasis is coming to Milan... maybe. Oh but this is part of the "personal things".
Song of the year: Beady Eye, "In a bubble with a bullet", Noel could never write that, too happy.
2012: the year starts with 2 derbies, Milan and Manchester, there will be Beady Eye 2nd album (and Noel's), Liam's Beatles film, Manchester City trying to win the league (Milan the same), Button to win the world championship, maybe Tevez@Milan, Euro 2012, Olympic Games in London.
Noel always said he would have written a song for football events, but of course he never did. Classic Noel. A lie from him? How rare, lol.
In 2006 the film Goal soundtrack had Oasis' "Who put the weight of the world on my shoulders".
Here's the rare instrumental version, it's quite easy to play by guitar, I used to cover it. I added photos for Euro 2012 (one of the girls playing football is from Bulgaria, nevermind). Also featuring Giovanni Trapattoni from Milan. All the people from Denmark I've known, are big fans of Italy, more than anyone else, don't really know why. Or maybe I was too drunk when I met Danish people to remember why :).
At the end you can see what was the end of the English-Italian Paul the octopus, lol (so next time no predictions of Spain winning, thanks).
Oh and, about france, the only pic I could put, was stupid Uefa Platini.
About Milano in 2011, it has been a very bad year, with the change of mayor (a communist one, so of course no progress), everything got worse and the people, even many of those of voted him, are not happy with him.
He raised the price of transports (+50%) and the service has not been improved.
About the "Ecopass" to pay, people are even angry.
Recently he even stopped the cars circulation some days, to solve the high level of air pollution, and the pollution even raised (hilarious). Clearly cars are not the main problem, but it's the heating boilers.
Here are some images we won't forget about 2011, definitely marked by Italy protagonist (150th anniversary).
Unforgettable Liam Gallagher wearing the Italian flag, the decline of Noel Gallagher, Mario Balotelli historic 1-6 to Manchester United and unforgettable "why always me" shirt (someday he will join his favourite team AC Milan), Manchester City with Mancini winning a cup after 35 years, Tevez already in red&black :), AC Milan winning league&supercup, Jenson Button winning the most incredible race ever seen in decades (from last to first), thanks to Italian pasta provided to him ;) (many Italians work for McLaren).
I think there shouldn't be anything more this year... ah by the end of the year there should be that thing Liam said: "calling the kid Beady Eye" :). Maybe an English model fan of Oasis is coming to Milan... maybe. Oh but this is part of the "personal things".
Song of the year: Beady Eye, "In a bubble with a bullet", Noel could never write that, too happy.
2012: the year starts with 2 derbies, Milan and Manchester, there will be Beady Eye 2nd album (and Noel's), Liam's Beatles film, Manchester City trying to win the league (Milan the same), Button to win the world championship, maybe Tevez@Milan, Euro 2012, Olympic Games in London.
Noel always said he would have written a song for football events, but of course he never did. Classic Noel. A lie from him? How rare, lol.
He raised the price of transports (+50%) and the service has not been improved.
About the "Ecopass" to pay, people are even angry.
Recently he even stopped the cars circulation some days, to solve the high level of air pollution, and the pollution even raised (hilarious). Clearly cars are not the main problem, but it's the heating boilers.
2011, great year. "if you came with me, the days would never end, will never be the same" (It's Better People).
Best song: In the Bubble with a Bullet. Many meetings with Beady Eye, 3 in Milan, Florence, etc. Italy flag. Beady's Beat goes on, Evelina, Swedish girls. Best goal: (Swedish) Zlatan Ibra(himovic), Galliani hilarious reaction. Football English Pub when there were real blue bubbles. Duomo. An alcohol lemon haze. Red&black AC Milan celebrating mixed with Mancini-red&black Manchester City Blue Moon 1st cup in 35 years, Tevez, Mario Balotelli song. AC Milan's Dolce&Gabbana party. Button from last to 1st position. Monza. McLaren shop in Milan. Mario "M" hair just like my pubic hair ahaha. 6 times, Manchester United tennis-derby 1-6 Mario, why always me. Mod Lambretta-Eicma girls. Moonwalk Michael Jackson-Boateng. 2012 morning dawn (Beady's Morning son), 2nd album, different year, still speeding. I'm a fucking genius.
note: between Liam and Dolce & Gabbana I put a subliminal image (could be a good sign of luck) of Pretty Green in Milan, as Brad Pitt did in Fight Club (he put a penis, lol)
I forgot the girls who wanted to pay me to stay on the front row, me bitch, lol. They wanted to shoot photos with me, as if I was a landmark :). With my videos around I'm a media darling, not like Noel but like AC Milan :) (just kidding).
I forgot the girls who wanted to pay me to stay on the front row, me bitch, lol. They wanted to shoot photos with me, as if I was a landmark :). With my videos around I'm a media darling, not like Noel but like AC Milan :) (just kidding).

Unforgettable Liam Gallagher wearing the Italian flag, the decline of Noel Gallagher, Mario Balotelli historic 1-6 to Manchester United and unforgettable "why always me" shirt (someday he will join his favourite team AC Milan), Manchester City with Mancini winning a cup after 35 years, Tevez already in red&black :), AC Milan winning league&supercup, Jenson Button winning the most incredible race ever seen in decades (from last to first), thanks to Italian pasta provided to him ;) (many Italians work for McLaren).
I think there shouldn't be anything more this year... ah by the end of the year there should be that thing Liam said: "calling the kid Beady Eye" :). Maybe an English model fan of Oasis is coming to Milan... maybe. Oh but this is part of the "personal things".
Song of the year: Beady Eye, "In a bubble with a bullet", Noel could never write that, too happy.
2012: the year starts with 2 derbies, Milan and Manchester, there will be Beady Eye 2nd album (and Noel's), Liam's Beatles film, Manchester City trying to win the league (Milan the same), Button to win the world championship, maybe Tevez@Milan, Euro 2012, Olympic Games in London.
Noel always said he would have written a song for football events, but of course he never did. Classic Noel. A lie from him? How rare, lol.
In 2006 the film Goal soundtrack had Oasis' "Who put the weight of the world on my shoulders".
Here's the rare instrumental version, it's quite easy to play by guitar, I used to cover it. I added photos for Euro 2012 (one of the girls playing football is from Bulgaria, nevermind). Also featuring Giovanni Trapattoni from Milan. All the people from Denmark I've known, are big fans of Italy, more than anyone else, don't really know why. Or maybe I was too drunk when I met Danish people to remember why :).
At the end you can see what was the end of the English-Italian Paul the octopus, lol (so next time no predictions of Spain winning, thanks).
Oh and, about france, the only pic I could put, was stupid Uefa Platini.
For the series "the Duomo is breathtaking to say the least" :) (Jacqueline).
Kasabian in Milan, featuring Italian origins Sergio Pizzorno on guitar (some people think he's french...'cause "it's the same"... no, it's opposite. Just like the "pommes frites", the french fries... french. No, they're Belgian. Mayonnaise...french. No, it's from my island Minorca. Etc. classic french thieves)). The original video is here
Oasis' Cast no shadow remix, with some photos by me, also Liam Gallagher with Richard Ashcroft, also at the Pretty Green launch night, in Milan and on Barcelona Formula 1 circuit. We could make another night for the New Year's Eve (Capodanno), back again to the place where it all started...2012 will see our clothes in a film (about the Beatles), womenswear (plus kidswear) and a store in Milano, we can decide about it. Dress code: hmm..let's see.. Pretty Green :). But as I said, the people have become too "lazy", let's say so (the truth is that Milan is very alienating), Liam would say (on his airplane) "come on you fuckers!" ahaha. There's an Italian comic film with an airplane scene, and the hostess invites the people: come up you fuckers! lol
news about Tevez, Argentinian beer, cerveza Quilmes
Carlitos...finalmente aquí no tienes que hablar inglés y te sentirás como en tu casa. El que se hace milanesa, el que se come la milanesa jajaja Carlitos podría coger el avión desde Milán con destino Dubai con mi hermana el 29 de diciembre (pero Galliani dice que no). Carlitos aún está en la playa y jugando golf con las modelos, y cantando con uno que se llama La Mona jajaja (mejor no traducir este nombre en algún dialecto italiano jajajaja)
El otro día he soñado que yo iba a Argentina, y había muchísima gente, y chicas hermosas, y todos amigos y jugando fútbol, chicas también. Fue un sueño muy realístico, pensaba que era verdadero... bueno, mejor no contarlo todo jajajaja
la chica @ 0:10 es la Andrea, no la veo más aquí, regresó allá. La canción es una versión de la italiana Gloria de Umberto Tozzi.
I was saying in Spanish to Carlos, that here you don't have to speak English (as he couldn't) and you'll feel at home. As that video says "el que se hace milanesa, el que se come la milanesa" :) (also typical Milanese food, the cutlet). He could get a plane from Milan to Dubai with my sister and AC Milan on 29 December (but Galliani doesn't think so). He's still on the beach and playing golf with models, and singing with one called La Mona, lol (better not to tranlsate in some Italian dialect :).
The other day I dreamt that I went to Argentina, and there was a lot of people there, cute girls, and everybody was very friendly and warm, and all of them, girls too, were playing football. Radiohead would say: nice dream. It was really realistic, I thought it was true... well, better not to tell everything about it, lol.
The girl @ 0:10 is Andrea, I'm not meeting her anymore, 'cause she's back there. The song is a version of the Italian "Gloria" by Umberto Tozzi
For the series "the Duomo is breathtaking to say the least" :) (Jacqueline).
Kasabian in Milan, featuring Italian origins Sergio Pizzorno on guitar (some people think he's french...'cause "it's the same"... no, it's opposite. Just like the "pommes frites", the french fries... french. No, they're Belgian. Mayonnaise...french. No, it's from my island Minorca. Etc. classic french thieves)). The original video is here
Oasis' Cast no shadow remix, with some photos by me, also Liam Gallagher with Richard Ashcroft, also at the Pretty Green launch night, in Milan and on Barcelona Formula 1 circuit. We could make another night for the New Year's Eve (Capodanno), back again to the place where it all started...2012 will see our clothes in a film (about the Beatles), womenswear (plus kidswear) and a store in Milano, we can decide about it. Dress code: hmm..let's see.. Pretty Green :). But as I said, the people have become too "lazy", let's say so (the truth is that Milan is very alienating), Liam would say (on his airplane) "come on you fuckers!" ahaha. There's an Italian comic film with an airplane scene, and the hostess invites the people: come up you fuckers! lol
news about Tevez, Argentinian beer, cerveza Quilmes
Carlitos...finalmente aquí no tienes que hablar inglés y te sentirás como en tu casa. El que se hace milanesa, el que se come la milanesa jajaja Carlitos podría coger el avión desde Milán con destino Dubai con mi hermana el 29 de diciembre (pero Galliani dice que no). Carlitos aún está en la playa y jugando golf con las modelos, y cantando con uno que se llama La Mona jajaja (mejor no traducir este nombre en algún dialecto italiano jajajaja)
El otro día he soñado que yo iba a Argentina, y había muchísima gente, y chicas hermosas, y todos amigos y jugando fútbol, chicas también. Fue un sueño muy realístico, pensaba que era verdadero... bueno, mejor no contarlo todo jajajaja
la chica @ 0:10 es la Andrea, no la veo más aquí, regresó allá. La canción es una versión de la italiana Gloria de Umberto Tozzi.
I was saying in Spanish to Carlos, that here you don't have to speak English (as he couldn't) and you'll feel at home. As that video says "el que se hace milanesa, el que se come la milanesa" :) (also typical Milanese food, the cutlet). He could get a plane from Milan to Dubai with my sister and AC Milan on 29 December (but Galliani doesn't think so). He's still on the beach and playing golf with models, and singing with one called La Mona, lol (better not to tranlsate in some Italian dialect :).
The other day I dreamt that I went to Argentina, and there was a lot of people there, cute girls, and everybody was very friendly and warm, and all of them, girls too, were playing football. Radiohead would say: nice dream. It was really realistic, I thought it was true... well, better not to tell everything about it, lol.
The girl @ 0:10 is Andrea, I'm not meeting her anymore, 'cause she's back there. The song is a version of the Italian "Gloria" by Umberto Tozzi
For the series "the Duomo is breathtaking to say the least" :) (Jacqueline).
Kasabian in Milan, featuring Italian origins Sergio Pizzorno on guitar (some people think he's french...'cause "it's the same"... no, it's opposite. Just like the "pommes frites", the french fries... french. No, they're Belgian. Mayonnaise...french. No, it's from my island Minorca. Etc. classic french thieves)). The original video is here
Oasis' Cast no shadow remix, with some photos by me, also Liam Gallagher with Richard Ashcroft, also at the Pretty Green launch night, in Milan and on Barcelona Formula 1 circuit. We could make another night for the New Year's Eve (Capodanno), back again to the place where it all started...2012 will see our clothes in a film (about the Beatles), womenswear (plus kidswear) and a store in Milano, we can decide about it. Dress code: hmm..let's see.. Pretty Green :). But as I said, the people have become too "lazy", let's say so (the truth is that Milan is very alienating), Liam would say (on his airplane) "come on you fuckers!" ahaha. There's an Italian comic film with an airplane scene, and the hostess invites the people: come up you fuckers! lol
news about Tevez, Argentinian beer, cerveza Quilmes
Carlitos...finalmente aquí no tienes que hablar inglés y te sentirás como en tu casa. El que se hace milanesa, el que se come la milanesa jajaja Carlitos podría coger el avión desde Milán con destino Dubai con mi hermana el 29 de diciembre (pero Galliani dice que no). Carlitos aún está en la playa y jugando golf con las modelos, y cantando con uno que se llama La Mona jajaja (mejor no traducir este nombre en algún dialecto italiano jajajaja)
El otro día he soñado que yo iba a Argentina, y había muchísima gente, y chicas hermosas, y todos amigos y jugando fútbol, chicas también. Fue un sueño muy realístico, pensaba que era verdadero... bueno, mejor no contarlo todo jajajaja
la chica @ 0:10 es la Andrea, no la veo más aquí, regresó allá. La canción es una versión de la italiana Gloria de Umberto Tozzi.
I was saying in Spanish to Carlos, that here you don't have to speak English (as he couldn't) and you'll feel at home. As that video says "el que se hace milanesa, el que se come la milanesa" :) (also typical Milanese food, the cutlet). He could get a plane from Milan to Dubai with my sister and AC Milan on 29 December (but Galliani doesn't think so). He's still on the beach and playing golf with models, and singing with one called La Mona, lol (better not to tranlsate in some Italian dialect :).
The other day I dreamt that I went to Argentina, and there was a lot of people there, cute girls, and everybody was very friendly and warm, and all of them, girls too, were playing football. Radiohead would say: nice dream. It was really realistic, I thought it was true... well, better not to tell everything about it, lol.
The girl @ 0:10 is Andrea, I'm not meeting her anymore, 'cause she's back there. The song is a version of the Italian "Gloria" by Umberto Tozzi
And after the Englishman Charlie Chaplin in Brazil, here we have Alfred Hitchcock silhouette :).
We could make a Pretty Green New Year night (Capodanno) on 31 December, the awards-winning fashion brand that started in Milan. 2012 will see our clothes in a film (about the Beatles), womenswear (plus kidswear) and a shop in Milano, we can decide about it. Dress code: hmm..let's see.. Pretty Green :).
Noel Gallagher tried to make a film with his videos, but featuring Russell Brand (Oasis' Yoko Ono, making them split, one of many reasons :) it looked like a bullshit (I wonder whether in England there's anyone who likes him... everybody always tell me everybody hates him... as Noel says: everybody hates the English people).
The other day there was (Newcastle supporter :) Sting to meet in Milan again, the mods leader, the Ace Face in Quadrophenia, Liam's favourite film (I met him wearing my parka and telling him "we are mods" :). He produces wine and food in Italy, that's why he comes so often. His similar Italian scooter in Pretty Green stores (photos of Liam riding it).
We could make a Pretty Green New Year night (Capodanno) on 31 December, the awards-winning fashion brand that started in Milan. 2012 will see our clothes in a film (about the Beatles), womenswear (plus kidswear) and a shop in Milano, we can decide about it. Dress code: hmm..let's see.. Pretty Green :).
Noel Gallagher tried to make a film with his videos, but featuring Russell Brand (Oasis' Yoko Ono, making them split, one of many reasons :) it looked like a bullshit (I wonder whether in England there's anyone who likes him... everybody always tell me everybody hates him... as Noel says: everybody hates the English people).
The other day there was (Newcastle supporter :) Sting to meet in Milan again, the mods leader, the Ace Face in Quadrophenia, Liam's favourite film (I met him wearing my parka and telling him "we are mods" :). He produces wine and food in Italy, that's why he comes so often. His similar Italian scooter in Pretty Green stores (photos of Liam riding it).
the British movie The Italian Job (1969), featuring Noel the coward, lol. The scaredy cat.
Opening scene, (beautiful) song: On days like these, Matt Monro.
Opening scene, (beautiful) song: On days like these, Matt Monro.
Questi giorni quando VIENI (lol) il bel sole (these days when the nice sun comes)
la la la la la-la-la-la la la la la
On days like these when skies are oasisblues and fields are prettygreen
I look around and think about what might have been...
...singing songs and drinking wine
while your beady eyes played games with mine
trailer - also starring Benny Hill. The final scene was quite enigmatic...
The remake, featuring the most beautiful woman in the world, Charlize Theron, was obviously of a different year, still speeding :)
...also Stereophonics' Pick a part that's new video was inspired by this
trailer - also starring Benny Hill. The final scene was quite enigmatic...
The remake, featuring the most beautiful woman in the world, Charlize Theron, was obviously of a different year, still speeding :)
...also Stereophonics' Pick a part that's new video was inspired by this
Bullit, another one with a famous car chase scene, feat. Steve McQueen, one of Liam's idols, inspiring the Pretty Green GP jacket
another one from 1969, Midnight Cowboy, great (bittersweet) film about homosexuality, lol. Inspiring Oasis' great song "Turn up the sun" by Andy Bell (especially the Theme by John Barry), my alarm clock 2005->2008, written in Sweden while on drugs. The soap falling in the shower -> Sotomayor. Featuring Dustin Hoffman and Angelina Jolie's father, Jon Voight.
Everybody's talking at me, I don't hear a word they're saying... I'm going where the sun keeps shining... going where the weather suits my clothes, etc.
Clicking here is also a "threesome" scene :), with Green Onions music, but you need to be subscribed to YouTube to see it.
It would be nice a mix between Blow-up and the Italian Job, 'cause it would be: the blow job ahahaha
by Michelangelo Antonioni
psychedelic Wonderwall film for Beady Eye's psychedelic Wigwam x2, plus George Harrison music, inspiration for Beady Eye's 2nd album...
feat. the mods leader Sting, Quadrophenia alley sex scene, Beady Eye music Two of a kind
It would be nice a mix between Blow-up and the Italian Job, 'cause it would be: the blow job ahahaha
by Michelangelo Antonioni
psychedelic Wonderwall film for Beady Eye's psychedelic Wigwam x2, plus George Harrison music, inspiration for Beady Eye's 2nd album...
feat. the mods leader Sting, Quadrophenia alley sex scene, Beady Eye music Two of a kind
And after the Englishman Charlie Chaplin in Brazil, here we have Alfred Hitchcock silhouette :).
We could make a Pretty Green New Year night (Capodanno) on 31 December, the awards-winning fashion brand that started in Milan. 2012 will see our clothes in a film (about the Beatles), womenswear (plus kidswear) and a shop in Milano, we can decide about it. Dress code: hmm..let's see.. Pretty Green :).
Noel Gallagher tried to make a film with his videos, but featuring Russell Brand (Oasis' Yoko Ono, making them split, one of many reasons :) it looked like a bullshit (I wonder whether in England there's anyone who likes him... everybody always tell me everybody hates him... as Noel says: everybody hates the English people).
The other day there was (Newcastle supporter :) Sting to meet in Milan again, the mods leader, the Ace Face in Quadrophenia, Liam's favourite film (I met him wearing my parka and telling him "we are mods" :). He produces wine and food in Italy, that's why he comes so often. His similar Italian scooter in Pretty Green stores (photos of Liam riding it).
We could make a Pretty Green New Year night (Capodanno) on 31 December, the awards-winning fashion brand that started in Milan. 2012 will see our clothes in a film (about the Beatles), womenswear (plus kidswear) and a shop in Milano, we can decide about it. Dress code: hmm..let's see.. Pretty Green :).
Noel Gallagher tried to make a film with his videos, but featuring Russell Brand (Oasis' Yoko Ono, making them split, one of many reasons :) it looked like a bullshit (I wonder whether in England there's anyone who likes him... everybody always tell me everybody hates him... as Noel says: everybody hates the English people).
The other day there was (Newcastle supporter :) Sting to meet in Milan again, the mods leader, the Ace Face in Quadrophenia, Liam's favourite film (I met him wearing my parka and telling him "we are mods" :). He produces wine and food in Italy, that's why he comes so often. His similar Italian scooter in Pretty Green stores (photos of Liam riding it).
the British movie The Italian Job (1969), featuring Noel the coward, lol. The scaredy cat.
Opening scene, (beautiful) song: On days like these, Matt Monro.
Opening scene, (beautiful) song: On days like these, Matt Monro.
Questi giorni quando VIENI (lol) il bel sole (these days when the nice sun comes)
la la la la la-la-la-la la la la la
On days like these when skies are oasisblues and fields are prettygreen
I look around and think about what might have been...
...singing songs and drinking wine
while your beady eyes played games with mine
trailer - also starring Benny Hill. The final scene was quite enigmatic...
The remake, featuring the most beautiful woman in the world, Charlize Theron, was obviously of a different year, still speeding :)
...also Stereophonics' Pick a part that's new video was inspired by this
trailer - also starring Benny Hill. The final scene was quite enigmatic...
The remake, featuring the most beautiful woman in the world, Charlize Theron, was obviously of a different year, still speeding :)
...also Stereophonics' Pick a part that's new video was inspired by this
Bullit, another one with a famous car chase scene, feat. Steve McQueen, one of Liam's idols, inspiring the Pretty Green GP jacket
another one from 1969, Midnight Cowboy, great (bittersweet) film about homosexuality, lol. Inspiring Oasis' great song "Turn up the sun" by Andy Bell (especially the Theme by John Barry), my alarm clock 2005->2008, written in Sweden while on drugs. The soap falling in the shower -> Sotomayor. Featuring Dustin Hoffman and Angelina Jolie's father, Jon Voight.
Everybody's talking at me, I don't hear a word they're saying... I'm going where the sun keeps shining... going where the weather suits my clothes, etc.
Clicking here is also a "threesome" scene :), with Green Onions music, but you need to be subscribed to YouTube to see it.
It would be nice a mix between Blow-up and the Italian Job, 'cause it would be: the blow job ahahaha
by Michelangelo Antonioni
psychedelic Wonderwall film for Beady Eye's psychedelic Wigwam x2, plus George Harrison music, inspiration for Beady Eye's 2nd album...
feat. the mods leader Sting, Quadrophenia alley sex scene, Beady Eye music Two of a kind
It would be nice a mix between Blow-up and the Italian Job, 'cause it would be: the blow job ahahaha
by Michelangelo Antonioni
psychedelic Wonderwall film for Beady Eye's psychedelic Wigwam x2, plus George Harrison music, inspiration for Beady Eye's 2nd album...
feat. the mods leader Sting, Quadrophenia alley sex scene, Beady Eye music Two of a kind
And after the Englishman Charlie Chaplin in Brazil, here we have Alfred Hitchcock silhouette :).
We could make a Pretty Green New Year night (Capodanno) on 31 December, the awards-winning fashion brand that started in Milan. 2012 will see our clothes in a film (about the Beatles), womenswear (plus kidswear) and a shop in Milano, we can decide about it. Dress code: hmm..let's see.. Pretty Green :).
Noel Gallagher tried to make a film with his videos, but featuring Russell Brand (Oasis' Yoko Ono, making them split, one of many reasons :) it looked like a bullshit (I wonder whether in England there's anyone who likes him... everybody always tell me everybody hates him... as Noel says: everybody hates the English people).
The other day there was (Newcastle supporter :) Sting to meet in Milan again, the mods leader, the Ace Face in Quadrophenia, Liam's favourite film (I met him wearing my parka and telling him "we are mods" :). He produces wine and food in Italy, that's why he comes so often. His similar Italian scooter in Pretty Green stores (photos of Liam riding it).
We could make a Pretty Green New Year night (Capodanno) on 31 December, the awards-winning fashion brand that started in Milan. 2012 will see our clothes in a film (about the Beatles), womenswear (plus kidswear) and a shop in Milano, we can decide about it. Dress code: hmm..let's see.. Pretty Green :).
Noel Gallagher tried to make a film with his videos, but featuring Russell Brand (Oasis' Yoko Ono, making them split, one of many reasons :) it looked like a bullshit (I wonder whether in England there's anyone who likes him... everybody always tell me everybody hates him... as Noel says: everybody hates the English people).
The other day there was (Newcastle supporter :) Sting to meet in Milan again, the mods leader, the Ace Face in Quadrophenia, Liam's favourite film (I met him wearing my parka and telling him "we are mods" :). He produces wine and food in Italy, that's why he comes so often. His similar Italian scooter in Pretty Green stores (photos of Liam riding it).
the British movie The Italian Job (1969), featuring Noel the coward, lol. The scaredy cat.
Opening scene, (beautiful) song: On days like these, Matt Monro.
Opening scene, (beautiful) song: On days like these, Matt Monro.
Questi giorni quando VIENI (lol) il bel sole (these days when the nice sun comes)
la la la la la-la-la-la la la la la
On days like these when skies are oasisblues and fields are prettygreen
I look around and think about what might have been...
...singing songs and drinking wine
while your beady eyes played games with mine
trailer - also starring Benny Hill. The final scene was quite enigmatic...
The remake, featuring the most beautiful woman in the world, Charlize Theron, was obviously of a different year, still speeding :)
...also Stereophonics' Pick a part that's new video was inspired by this
trailer - also starring Benny Hill. The final scene was quite enigmatic...
The remake, featuring the most beautiful woman in the world, Charlize Theron, was obviously of a different year, still speeding :)
...also Stereophonics' Pick a part that's new video was inspired by this
Bullit, another one with a famous car chase scene, feat. Steve McQueen, one of Liam's idols, inspiring the Pretty Green GP jacket
another one from 1969, Midnight Cowboy, great (bittersweet) film about homosexuality, lol. Inspiring Oasis' great song "Turn up the sun" by Andy Bell (especially the Theme by John Barry), my alarm clock 2005->2008, written in Sweden while on drugs. The soap falling in the shower -> Sotomayor. Featuring Dustin Hoffman and Angelina Jolie's father, Jon Voight.
Everybody's talking at me, I don't hear a word they're saying... I'm going where the sun keeps shining... going where the weather suits my clothes, etc.
Clicking here is also a "threesome" scene :), with Green Onions music, but you need to be subscribed to YouTube to see it.
It would be nice a mix between Blow-up and the Italian Job, 'cause it would be: the blow job ahahaha
by Michelangelo Antonioni
psychedelic Wonderwall film for Beady Eye's psychedelic Wigwam x2, plus George Harrison music, inspiration for Beady Eye's 2nd album...
feat. the mods leader Sting, Quadrophenia alley sex scene, Beady Eye music Two of a kind
It would be nice a mix between Blow-up and the Italian Job, 'cause it would be: the blow job ahahaha
by Michelangelo Antonioni
psychedelic Wonderwall film for Beady Eye's psychedelic Wigwam x2, plus George Harrison music, inspiration for Beady Eye's 2nd album...
feat. the mods leader Sting, Quadrophenia alley sex scene, Beady Eye music Two of a kind
Vote for British GQ's "Most Stylish Man 2012" here, you know what to do (it's next year: so it's ME, lol). Of course Liam Gallagher.
I wonder why there's no Noel Gallagher, the one singing in falsetto... ah, he's on Grazia magazine... they say it's a bit gay, isn't it. Don't get me wrong: nothing wrong in that, lol. Sometimes I noticed he moves a bit like a homosexual. It's because, just like his fans, they're delicate... the easy-crying type (in fact, he found so many excuses for the Oasis split, the victim). When they hear that "moving", poignant music, they feel "touched" and find consolation in it. I just prefer rock'n'roll.
I wonder why there's no Noel Gallagher, the one singing in falsetto... ah, he's on Grazia magazine... they say it's a bit gay, isn't it. Don't get me wrong: nothing wrong in that, lol. Sometimes I noticed he moves a bit like a homosexual. It's because, just like his fans, they're delicate... the easy-crying type (in fact, he found so many excuses for the Oasis split, the victim). When they hear that "moving", poignant music, they feel "touched" and find consolation in it. I just prefer rock'n'roll.
Talking about gays, yesterday I was talking to a model (engaged to a boy model, you know they're quite "feminine") and I convinced her to leave him... and she really did! Oh Jesus, I was half-joking, and I said they're gays not so seriously. It's just another confirmation that models are retards. Nothing new.
I only said things like: you'll never know a real man in your whole life, lol ("you'll never know, unless you try" :) - Beady Eye's The Morning Son). And things like: you models live in an easy world of appearances, where looking good = it's nice and lasts a lot of time, I've known loads the same as you. I could never love one as you (Oasis' "my heart will never be your home", lol - Stand by me). You're so thin that you look sick. I mean, I'm very thin too, but I eat a lot (of good things, Italian food). All the boy models are at least bisexual, sign of insecurity, they didn't find their identity themselves yet. How can you say you love one when there are millions in the world you can love more, the fact is just that you don't meet them, etc. lol
Liam is not a model and he's much more cool and stylish than them, he's a real man.
Noel Farinelli Gallagher , il castrato (the castrated, without penis)
I only said things like: you'll never know a real man in your whole life, lol ("you'll never know, unless you try" :) - Beady Eye's The Morning Son). And things like: you models live in an easy world of appearances, where looking good = it's nice and lasts a lot of time, I've known loads the same as you. I could never love one as you (Oasis' "my heart will never be your home", lol - Stand by me). You're so thin that you look sick. I mean, I'm very thin too, but I eat a lot (of good things, Italian food). All the boy models are at least bisexual, sign of insecurity, they didn't find their identity themselves yet. How can you say you love one when there are millions in the world you can love more, the fact is just that you don't meet them, etc. lol
Liam is not a model and he's much more cool and stylish than them, he's a real man.
Noel Farinelli Gallagher , il castrato (the castrated, without penis)
Blow-up, film by Michelangelo Antonioni (inspiring Oasis' Who feels love with Zabriskie Point), Swinging London inspiring Pretty Green - Carnaby Street, produced by near Milan-ese born Carlo Ponti (Sophia Loren husband). 1966 England world champion. Next time we'll have: film produced by Liam Gallagher. Here's what I was saying about models. "I thought you were supposed to be in Paris"... "I am in Paris", lol (Veruschka, model on drugs), plus Jane Birkin & Gillian Hills both in Oasis fringe hairstyle :) and Led Zeppelin's Jimmy Page
Vote for British GQ's "Most Stylish Man 2012" here, you know what to do (it's next year: so it's ME, lol). Of course Liam Gallagher.
I wonder why there's no Noel Gallagher, the one singing in falsetto... ah, he's on Grazia magazine... they say it's a bit gay, isn't it. Don't get me wrong: nothing wrong in that, lol. Sometimes I noticed he moves a bit like a homosexual. It's because, just like his fans, they're delicate... the easy-crying type (in fact, he found so many excuses for the Oasis split, the victim). When they hear that "moving", poignant music, they feel "touched" and find consolation in it. I just prefer rock'n'roll.
I wonder why there's no Noel Gallagher, the one singing in falsetto... ah, he's on Grazia magazine... they say it's a bit gay, isn't it. Don't get me wrong: nothing wrong in that, lol. Sometimes I noticed he moves a bit like a homosexual. It's because, just like his fans, they're delicate... the easy-crying type (in fact, he found so many excuses for the Oasis split, the victim). When they hear that "moving", poignant music, they feel "touched" and find consolation in it. I just prefer rock'n'roll.
Talking about gays, yesterday I was talking to a model (engaged to a boy model, you know they're quite "feminine") and I convinced her to leave him... and she really did! Oh Jesus, I was half-joking, and I said they're gays not so seriously. It's just another confirmation that models are retards. Nothing new.
I only said things like: you'll never know a real man in your whole life, lol ("you'll never know, unless you try" :) - Beady Eye's The Morning Son). And things like: you models live in an easy world of appearances, where looking good = it's nice and lasts a lot of time, I've known loads the same as you. I could never love one as you (Oasis' "my heart will never be your home", lol - Stand by me). You're so thin that you look sick. I mean, I'm very thin too, but I eat a lot (of good things, Italian food). All the boy models are at least bisexual, sign of insecurity, they didn't find their identity themselves yet. How can you say you love one when there are millions in the world you can love more, the fact is just that you don't meet them, etc. lol
Liam is not a model and he's much more cool and stylish than them, he's a real man.
Noel Farinelli Gallagher , il castrato (the castrated, without penis)
I only said things like: you'll never know a real man in your whole life, lol ("you'll never know, unless you try" :) - Beady Eye's The Morning Son). And things like: you models live in an easy world of appearances, where looking good = it's nice and lasts a lot of time, I've known loads the same as you. I could never love one as you (Oasis' "my heart will never be your home", lol - Stand by me). You're so thin that you look sick. I mean, I'm very thin too, but I eat a lot (of good things, Italian food). All the boy models are at least bisexual, sign of insecurity, they didn't find their identity themselves yet. How can you say you love one when there are millions in the world you can love more, the fact is just that you don't meet them, etc. lol
Liam is not a model and he's much more cool and stylish than them, he's a real man.
Noel Farinelli Gallagher , il castrato (the castrated, without penis)
Blow-up, film by Michelangelo Antonioni (inspiring Oasis' Who feels love with Zabriskie Point), Swinging London inspiring Pretty Green - Carnaby Street, produced by near Milan-ese born Carlo Ponti (Sophia Loren husband). 1966 England world champion. Next time we'll have: film produced by Liam Gallagher. Here's what I was saying about models. "I thought you were supposed to be in Paris"... "I am in Paris", lol (Veruschka, model on drugs), plus Jane Birkin & Gillian Hills both in Oasis fringe hairstyle :) and Led Zeppelin's Jimmy Page
Vote for British GQ's "Most Stylish Man 2012" here, you know what to do (it's next year: so it's ME, lol). Of course Liam Gallagher.
I wonder why there's no Noel Gallagher, the one singing in falsetto... ah, he's on Grazia magazine... they say it's a bit gay, isn't it. Don't get me wrong: nothing wrong in that, lol. Sometimes I noticed he moves a bit like a homosexual. It's because, just like his fans, they're delicate... the easy-crying type (in fact, he found so many excuses for the Oasis split, the victim). When they hear that "moving", poignant music, they feel "touched" and find consolation in it. I just prefer rock'n'roll.
I wonder why there's no Noel Gallagher, the one singing in falsetto... ah, he's on Grazia magazine... they say it's a bit gay, isn't it. Don't get me wrong: nothing wrong in that, lol. Sometimes I noticed he moves a bit like a homosexual. It's because, just like his fans, they're delicate... the easy-crying type (in fact, he found so many excuses for the Oasis split, the victim). When they hear that "moving", poignant music, they feel "touched" and find consolation in it. I just prefer rock'n'roll.
Talking about gays, yesterday I was talking to a model (engaged to a boy model, you know they're quite "feminine") and I convinced her to leave him... and she really did! Oh Jesus, I was half-joking, and I said they're gays not so seriously. It's just another confirmation that models are retards. Nothing new.
I only said things like: you'll never know a real man in your whole life, lol ("you'll never know, unless you try" :) - Beady Eye's The Morning Son). And things like: you models live in an easy world of appearances, where looking good = it's nice and lasts a lot of time, I've known loads the same as you. I could never love one as you (Oasis' "my heart will never be your home", lol - Stand by me). You're so thin that you look sick. I mean, I'm very thin too, but I eat a lot (of good things, Italian food). All the boy models are at least bisexual, sign of insecurity, they didn't find their identity themselves yet. How can you say you love one when there are millions in the world you can love more, the fact is just that you don't meet them, etc. lol
Liam is not a model and he's much more cool and stylish than them, he's a real man.
Noel Farinelli Gallagher , il castrato (the castrated, without penis)
I only said things like: you'll never know a real man in your whole life, lol ("you'll never know, unless you try" :) - Beady Eye's The Morning Son). And things like: you models live in an easy world of appearances, where looking good = it's nice and lasts a lot of time, I've known loads the same as you. I could never love one as you (Oasis' "my heart will never be your home", lol - Stand by me). You're so thin that you look sick. I mean, I'm very thin too, but I eat a lot (of good things, Italian food). All the boy models are at least bisexual, sign of insecurity, they didn't find their identity themselves yet. How can you say you love one when there are millions in the world you can love more, the fact is just that you don't meet them, etc. lol
Liam is not a model and he's much more cool and stylish than them, he's a real man.
Noel Farinelli Gallagher , il castrato (the castrated, without penis)
Blow-up, film by Michelangelo Antonioni (inspiring Oasis' Who feels love with Zabriskie Point), Swinging London inspiring Pretty Green - Carnaby Street, produced by near Milan-ese born Carlo Ponti (Sophia Loren husband). 1966 England world champion. Next time we'll have: film produced by Liam Gallagher. Here's what I was saying about models. "I thought you were supposed to be in Paris"... "I am in Paris", lol (Veruschka, model on drugs), plus Jane Birkin & Gillian Hills both in Oasis fringe hairstyle :) and Led Zeppelin's Jimmy Page
When Liam Gallagher chose to start his fashion line Pretty Green, in Milan, I was proud 'cause he chose my city. Obvious choice, 'cause it was elected the first city of fashion in the world. The great results obtained with sales and prizes, say a lot.
Gem said that also the idea to form Beady Eye started here, when Liam was in Milan for Pretty Green.
And when another time Liam gave me as gift the blue cashmere pullover dedicated to Manchester City, that was easily one of the best days ever.
And when another time he told me "nice jacket", I'm easily still wearing that jacket day and night, lol.
And of course also my "Pretty Green scarf, in an English blue navy colour, a must-have: a soft, lightweight polka dot scarf made from 100% cotton and expertly hand-printed by Italy’s leading scarf producer" :).
My grandmother was a tailor (my aunt too), a dressmaker, and they were working at home, with clothes (she had the famous Singer sewing machine, we still have it, along with those old radios, RadioMarelli). Those were the good old traditional jobs. It seems that today, with the international crisis and all, as in my grandparents war times, we'd all still need to do something similar.
The other day I was writing : nobody wants to be told what to do, both young and adult people don't want. Sometimes it's the old people who want that, because they need help. And they're probably the only people who could really tell others what to do, because they have a lot of experience.
Today I'm missing my grandparents, I don't have any left. The other grandmother was a cook (chef), but she had so many activities, tailor too, and helping old people, going to pilgrimages to Lourdes with the Pope (John Paul II), she was a kind of legend for so many people in her valley. Her husband, my grandfather (boxing fan as the "ex Oasis guitarist Noel Gallagher" :), had a hotel, that my family still has, that's where my grandmother was working. Of course, as Liam said, "the food's the bollocks", lol.
Gem said that also the idea to form Beady Eye started here, when Liam was in Milan for Pretty Green.
And when another time Liam gave me as gift the blue cashmere pullover dedicated to Manchester City, that was easily one of the best days ever.
And when another time he told me "nice jacket", I'm easily still wearing that jacket day and night, lol.
And of course also my "Pretty Green scarf, in an English blue navy colour, a must-have: a soft, lightweight polka dot scarf made from 100% cotton and expertly hand-printed by Italy’s leading scarf producer" :).
My grandmother was a tailor (my aunt too), a dressmaker, and they were working at home, with clothes (she had the famous Singer sewing machine, we still have it, along with those old radios, RadioMarelli). Those were the good old traditional jobs. It seems that today, with the international crisis and all, as in my grandparents war times, we'd all still need to do something similar.
The other day I was writing : nobody wants to be told what to do, both young and adult people don't want. Sometimes it's the old people who want that, because they need help. And they're probably the only people who could really tell others what to do, because they have a lot of experience.
Today I'm missing my grandparents, I don't have any left. The other grandmother was a cook (chef), but she had so many activities, tailor too, and helping old people, going to pilgrimages to Lourdes with the Pope (John Paul II), she was a kind of legend for so many people in her valley. Her husband, my grandfather (boxing fan as the "ex Oasis guitarist Noel Gallagher" :), had a hotel, that my family still has, that's where my grandmother was working. Of course, as Liam said, "the food's the bollocks", lol.
When Liam Gallagher chose to start his fashion line Pretty Green, in Milan, I was proud 'cause he chose my city. Obvious choice, 'cause it was elected the first city of fashion in the world. The great results obtained with sales and prizes, say a lot.
Gem said that also the idea to form Beady Eye started here, when Liam was in Milan for Pretty Green.
And when another time Liam gave me as gift the blue cashmere pullover dedicated to Manchester City, that was easily one of the best days ever.
And when another time he told me "nice jacket", I'm easily still wearing that jacket day and night, lol.
And of course also my "Pretty Green scarf, in an English blue navy colour, a must-have: a soft, lightweight polka dot scarf made from 100% cotton and expertly hand-printed by Italy’s leading scarf producer" :).
My grandmother was a tailor (my aunt too), a dressmaker, and they were working at home, with clothes (she had the famous Singer sewing machine, we still have it, along with those old radios, RadioMarelli). Those were the good old traditional jobs. It seems that today, with the international crisis and all, as in my grandparents war times, we'd all still need to do something similar.
The other day I was writing : nobody wants to be told what to do, both young and adult people don't want. Sometimes it's the old people who want that, because they need help. And they're probably the only people who could really tell others what to do, because they have a lot of experience.
Today I'm missing my grandparents, I don't have any left. The other grandmother was a cook (chef), but she had so many activities, tailor too, and helping old people, going to pilgrimages to Lourdes with the Pope (John Paul II), she was a kind of legend for so many people in her valley. Her husband, my grandfather (boxing fan as the "ex Oasis guitarist Noel Gallagher" :), had a hotel, that my family still has, that's where my grandmother was working. Of course, as Liam said, "the food's the bollocks", lol.
Gem said that also the idea to form Beady Eye started here, when Liam was in Milan for Pretty Green.
And when another time Liam gave me as gift the blue cashmere pullover dedicated to Manchester City, that was easily one of the best days ever.
And when another time he told me "nice jacket", I'm easily still wearing that jacket day and night, lol.
And of course also my "Pretty Green scarf, in an English blue navy colour, a must-have: a soft, lightweight polka dot scarf made from 100% cotton and expertly hand-printed by Italy’s leading scarf producer" :).
My grandmother was a tailor (my aunt too), a dressmaker, and they were working at home, with clothes (she had the famous Singer sewing machine, we still have it, along with those old radios, RadioMarelli). Those were the good old traditional jobs. It seems that today, with the international crisis and all, as in my grandparents war times, we'd all still need to do something similar.
The other day I was writing : nobody wants to be told what to do, both young and adult people don't want. Sometimes it's the old people who want that, because they need help. And they're probably the only people who could really tell others what to do, because they have a lot of experience.
Today I'm missing my grandparents, I don't have any left. The other grandmother was a cook (chef), but she had so many activities, tailor too, and helping old people, going to pilgrimages to Lourdes with the Pope (John Paul II), she was a kind of legend for so many people in her valley. Her husband, my grandfather (boxing fan as the "ex Oasis guitarist Noel Gallagher" :), had a hotel, that my family still has, that's where my grandmother was working. Of course, as Liam said, "the food's the bollocks", lol.
When Liam Gallagher chose to start his fashion line Pretty Green, in Milan, I was proud 'cause he chose my city. Obvious choice, 'cause it was elected the first city of fashion in the world. The great results obtained with sales and prizes, say a lot.
Gem said that also the idea to form Beady Eye started here, when Liam was in Milan for Pretty Green.
And when another time Liam gave me as gift the blue cashmere pullover dedicated to Manchester City, that was easily one of the best days ever.
And when another time he told me "nice jacket", I'm easily still wearing that jacket day and night, lol.
And of course also my "Pretty Green scarf, in an English blue navy colour, a must-have: a soft, lightweight polka dot scarf made from 100% cotton and expertly hand-printed by Italy’s leading scarf producer" :).
My grandmother was a tailor (my aunt too), a dressmaker, and they were working at home, with clothes (she had the famous Singer sewing machine, we still have it, along with those old radios, RadioMarelli). Those were the good old traditional jobs. It seems that today, with the international crisis and all, as in my grandparents war times, we'd all still need to do something similar.
The other day I was writing : nobody wants to be told what to do, both young and adult people don't want. Sometimes it's the old people who want that, because they need help. And they're probably the only people who could really tell others what to do, because they have a lot of experience.
Today I'm missing my grandparents, I don't have any left. The other grandmother was a cook (chef), but she had so many activities, tailor too, and helping old people, going to pilgrimages to Lourdes with the Pope (John Paul II), she was a kind of legend for so many people in her valley. Her husband, my grandfather (boxing fan as the "ex Oasis guitarist Noel Gallagher" :), had a hotel, that my family still has, that's where my grandmother was working. Of course, as Liam said, "the food's the bollocks", lol.
Gem said that also the idea to form Beady Eye started here, when Liam was in Milan for Pretty Green.
And when another time Liam gave me as gift the blue cashmere pullover dedicated to Manchester City, that was easily one of the best days ever.
And when another time he told me "nice jacket", I'm easily still wearing that jacket day and night, lol.
And of course also my "Pretty Green scarf, in an English blue navy colour, a must-have: a soft, lightweight polka dot scarf made from 100% cotton and expertly hand-printed by Italy’s leading scarf producer" :).
My grandmother was a tailor (my aunt too), a dressmaker, and they were working at home, with clothes (she had the famous Singer sewing machine, we still have it, along with those old radios, RadioMarelli). Those were the good old traditional jobs. It seems that today, with the international crisis and all, as in my grandparents war times, we'd all still need to do something similar.
The other day I was writing : nobody wants to be told what to do, both young and adult people don't want. Sometimes it's the old people who want that, because they need help. And they're probably the only people who could really tell others what to do, because they have a lot of experience.
Today I'm missing my grandparents, I don't have any left. The other grandmother was a cook (chef), but she had so many activities, tailor too, and helping old people, going to pilgrimages to Lourdes with the Pope (John Paul II), she was a kind of legend for so many people in her valley. Her husband, my grandfather (boxing fan as the "ex Oasis guitarist Noel Gallagher" :), had a hotel, that my family still has, that's where my grandmother was working. Of course, as Liam said, "the food's the bollocks", lol.
Україна, Ukrayina. In Kyiv, the draw for the Euro 2012 in Ukraine-Poland, presented by Olga Freimut (really hot), Ukrainian television presenter, journalist and model. She is an avid Fulham fan and was once named amongst Ukraine's 25 most beautiful women. The groups are:
- Poland Russia Greece Czech Republic (easy!),
- Poland Russia Greece Czech Republic (easy!),
- Spain Italy Croatia Ireland (uuuuuhhhh), let's see if Cassano and Rossi will be there...
- Holland Germany Portugal Denmark (uuuuuhhh),
- Ukraine England Sweden france (uuuuuhhhh)
Two Italy games are in Poznan... let's "do the Poznan"...
@ South Africa 2010 our Dutch girls of our sponsor from Nederland got arrested (then released), because they had a (very small) brand written on their skirts... absurd. Today my sister goes to Dubai with AC Milan staff... Noel Gallagher's idol Tevez @ AC: 100%.
Good memories of the last Euro / World Cups... 2004 @ legendary Bar Magenta with cute foreign students ;), 2006 @ Football English pub Italy world champion, 2008 at the seaside near Venice with so many foreign people, 2010 @ Football English pub with American & English girls ;). Always the 3 Mediterranean teams winning... (Greece-Italy-Spain) Let's see 2012...
- Holland Germany Portugal Denmark (uuuuuhhh),
- Ukraine England Sweden france (uuuuuhhhh)
Two Italy games are in Poznan... let's "do the Poznan"...
@ South Africa 2010 our Dutch girls of our sponsor from Nederland got arrested (then released), because they had a (very small) brand written on their skirts... absurd. Today my sister goes to Dubai with AC Milan staff... Noel Gallagher's idol Tevez @ AC: 100%.
Good memories of the last Euro / World Cups... 2004 @ legendary Bar Magenta with cute foreign students ;), 2006 @ Football English pub Italy world champion, 2008 at the seaside near Venice with so many foreign people, 2010 @ Football English pub with American & English girls ;). Always the 3 Mediterranean teams winning... (Greece-Italy-Spain) Let's see 2012...
Again, the little balls used for the draw were the same as my first football Tango when I was kid... (and the modern version will be the official ball for Euro 2012), my father didn't let me use it 'cause he put grease on it, to conserve it for a long time... daddy, I just want to use it, at least one time lol. So it was a "home-made" foot ball ahaha ..reminds me of Paolo telling about Oasis moaning for a home-made marmalade... can't we just buy it as all the people do?! lol My family the same, traditional families.
So it's Republic of Ireland with their manager Trapattoni from Milan, vs Mario Balotelli's Italia...
press conferences-shows:
So it's Republic of Ireland with their manager Trapattoni from Milan, vs Mario Balotelli's Italia...
press conferences-shows:
QUA QUA QUA QUA... PLA PLA PLA PLA... CHU CHU CHU CHU... PLA CHA PLA... was verstehen sie DE training? cazzo! ahahahaha
(he's speaking "German" with strong accent from Milan ^_^)
"ma è possibile che non capite mai un cazzo di niente?" (is it possible that you never understand a fucking anything? - timeless sentence)
sind sie bereit? ^.^ ...schwach wie eine Flasche leer ^_^ (SO TRUE... THAT'S HOW THE PEOPLE ARE...)
Strunz ist zwei Jahre hier gespielt keine Spiel... ist immer verletzt... was erlaube..Strunz! (YEAH THAT LAZY CUNT :) ...diese Spieler waren Spieler... (THE GOOD OLD TIMES, LOL) ...ich HABE fertig. ^_^ (NO, NOBODY COULD SACK YOU :)
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- how the best club was born
- how the best club was born
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- year 2011 +Euro 2012 (video added)
- year 2011 +Euro 2012 (video added)
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- where did all the love go?
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- vote the most stylish man
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- Pretty Green from Milan fashion giants
- Pretty Green from Milan fashion giants
- Euro 2012 & Trapattoni from Milano
- Euro 2012 & Trapattoni from Milano
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- Milano mods & art, heaven & hell
- Milano mods & art, heaven & hell