the bigger photos are stunning (see on my Flickr a little bit bigger), they seem a painting
photos taken from the restaurant of Rinascente (the best store, name given by the famous Italian poet Gabriele D'Annunzio, to give an idea of "Renaissance", rebirth), beside Duomo cathedral and next to the hotel of the Beatles in 1965 (famous photoshoot)
the alley of the Football English Pub looks like Quadrophenia-Liam alley :) of sex scene :)

Do you remember these posts,
and Let there be love-The Kiss in Milan
(come on baby blue :)
well, these are the last days. It's a pity that Christmas time is over, there was a magic atmosphere. Anyway, some things remain and never change, fortunately.
Here are other photos.
can you see the top of the biggest Christmas tree in the world, now it's bending.
We have a motto saying "rosso di sera, bel tempo si spera", that is "red in the evening, good weather we're hoping" :)
shooting falling star :) ...well, less romantic: just a plane :)
Noel Gallagher t-shirt, with the Christian cross
England-Milan Saint George Christian cross

new t-shirts available

Frau Blucher iiiiiiiiiiiiihhhhhhhhhh
as in the film Young Frankestein.
the horse is looking at Duomo cathedral and it seems surprised
(statue of Vittorio Emanuele, King of Italy in history)
that one in the background is Duomo cathdral from far
look at the bicycle :)
I found some strange bottles for my collection
a blue water bottle, an English beer tasting of Italian coffee ^_^ (best mix :), a fashion Coca-Cola this one by Alberta Ferretti (there are other better ones), the strongest (and best in taste) beer in the world (14%) with Swiss origins from Zürich (my last Oasis gig :) called Samichlaus, more than Biere Du Demon (12%), and Magalotti
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the 1st city of fashion in the world, the most famous painting in the world, the most famous theatre in the world, the best food in the world, the 1st team in football history, Milan is magic

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