"everytime you put one, you just feel like you fucking you're going to a war"
that's what Liam had said about the parka
military style is always fashionable, here's the camo parka...
...but as usual he copied me ahahaha this is the one I used some years ago when I was soldier, the official one from Italian Army. Liam you sell it for 500 pounds, I had it for free, and it's even much better, also waterproof :P

(e al suo parka gli manca l'interno staccabile trapuntato ahahahaha sucaaaaaa). Liam copied my parka (I had 2003), my camo parka (but both of mine are way better), my fisherman hats (I have a whole collection), sideburns (me in '98, he didn't use to have them so long before), scarves, sunglasses at night, fucking everything :)

Italian Army has been the most active helping in Iraq and Afghanistan during last years together with British and American ones.

Oasis+Beatles, Soldier on
Oasis-Beatles hairstyle looks like a soldier's helmet :)
if you remember Quadrophenia, the protagonist had a white Fred Perry polo under his parka, I have one

tonight Inter Milan are in Moscow vs Cssssska Mosssssscow on sssssynthetic grassssss, it slidesssssss, great risssssssssk ihihihihi
The Owl

l'Inter stasssssera risssschia a Mossssca contro il Cssssska Mossssscow sssssull'erba sssssintetica sssssi ssssscivola...
il Gufo
ok ok, then they won, it wasn't so difficult

Oasis end at the end of August, but...
...some months ago rumors said they had to come back to East Europe in September/October, after Budapest 2000 (Oasis) and Moscow 2007 (Noel, acoustic tour)

Noel Gallagher acoustic tour 2007 with Gem - There is a light that never goes out (cover), by The Smiths
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