(Keith Haring, "Logo against family violence", 1989, 1 year before dying. The inside of Fiorucci shop in Milan was by him. He also made some works with characters playing football)
I send an S.O.S. to the world... HELP
The family is the basis of our happiness.
Things can go all wrong, but when there's still a family, you can go on...
It's some time that my family don't seem so familiar...
A family can be a group of people, who are also friends, who help each other in case of need, so they're not against one another...
It's enough time that I don't think to have a family anymore and we can't find a solution.
I need a new one. Someone please adopt me or let's build a new one.
I don't need love, I need a family, it's different.
I'm missing 1 point from the 4 points given by Noel:
"Italian boys are like me, very passionate. 4 elements mark them: football, music, family and love for elegance. They always have beautiful women by their side. Well, I'm considered quite a holy figure in Italy. It's Milan... Italy's great man, I fucking love going there."
I can't go on without one of these points, and this is the most important, making lose also the other 3.
Marco, your red light
Gas Panic!
great Noel 1 minute solo from 2:45