just some photos from Leonardo Da Vinci museum in Milan, that is beside where I live, I see the "not yellow but black" Toti submarine :) from my windows, with the sunsets behind I usually photograph. It's also near "The last supper" by Leonardo. We've been inside the submarine and it was great. In case of English rain: no problem, when we go outside we have the submarine :) 
We had to wear blue helmets to go inside, it doesn't seem but it's huge outside, small inside. 
This was made by the same Italian Fincantieri building also Liam Gallagher-Cristoforo Colombo :) luxury ship Silversea Silver Spirit he used for travelling from Usa to Uk.
2 jets, one in the sky, nice photo :) and mod symbol :) with Italian colours

Leonardo Da Vinci lab

how to make a vinyl

Led Zeppelin vinyl :)

The rain song, my favourite
Philips K7, this is when I was a child, our first recorder (and also the first item which could play cassettes). Then I also had a red vinyl player made of plastic, nostalgia... it makes me feel old :)

my grandmother radio, I have some of these

gramophone, Oasis "Be here now" cover :)
my father instrument, the organ
where I worked, Radio 105
winged victory, the Greek one was stolen by the french as usual
just wow, I love this, I used to play "The Secret of Monkey Island"
...and much more (they also have a piece of moon... la luna a Milano :), the Moon in Milan, see this post)
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