Different Helter skelter :). Reports have started to come in suggesting that “Bring the Light” by ex Oasis' Liam Gallagher’s newband Beady Eye will not feature on their debut album when released in 2011.
Beady Eye released the track as a free download (video soon), and so far the reaction has been mixed to say the least.
Now some sources ("a source said" :) are claiming that the track has only been released as a promotional track.
So what do we have to expect from this new band? They're not Oasis.
The 20 seconds we had heard at first were a rock song. Bring the Light is rock 'n' roll :). It's Jerry Lee Lewis, it's Elvis. From Liam's Oasis last song, Boy with the Blues, he kept the piano and the female voices. And the "come on" :)
Alan is right, we have to wait for the album. It takes some time to appreciate completely a song, in fact the more I listen to it, the more I like it. The road of a song is long and winding :), then you put memories on it, nice ones if it's happy as this one. Still to be honest, when I heard those 20 seconds I was super-excited, and when I first listened to Bring the Light I was disappointed, 'cause I was expecting something different: or, better said, I was expecting always the same kind of music I was used to listen from them. I thought: oh mamma mia, Noel is gonna have a laugh ^_^. Especially those female voices at the end (and Liam's) sounded strange, as a cartoon. I was wondering if I clicked on the right song :)
But now I think it would be good to have some rock'n'roll tunes as that one. Of course we'll keep the interest on Beady Eye. Going to their concerts will be something different. To say it all: listening to them, I'm dancing at home :), as I did when I was a child, listening to Michael Jackson.
Usually the people jump at Oasis concerts, or "fight". With a song as Bring the Light, we would dance. I've been to so many concerts but I was always jumping: the only one where I danced I remember it was at my first Scottish Franz Ferdinand gig (the band born to make girls dance) in Milan, had so much fun. Sara, the Scottish girlfriend of Noel (they met in a dancing place as Ibiza), likes them more than Oasis :). But Noel also worked with dance music, in his youth and also later with Chemical Brothers.
Judging from some unreleased songs we have, Noel's tunes sound sad, while Liam's (too) happy... don't know how much the people will like them. Maybe Oasis should reform, to have "a balance" :)
And they will, as Scottish Alan :) repeated again the other day.
Beady Eye, totally unexpected: well done Liam!

some Beady Eye t-shirts on Spreadshirt shop: www.milanshop.spreadshirt.net

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