-14 days to Beady Eye concert.
here in Milan sunlight they were also talking about "the passion of the great Italian crowd, here it's a long experience for the fans".
here are the other songs not included in the previous post
dreamers of dreams, the dream, McQueen (used to drive a Ford Mustang), Pretty Green, Hamilton, McLaren 2011 number 3three, Formula One circus, F1 rocks Milan @ Alcatraz, Monza, Ford (against Ferrari last week), one of the cars I drove on Monza circuit, a driver's dream, in Milan Gem+Ford last week :)

dedicated to Manchester City, Mario Balotelli, Melissa, Roberto Mancini, etc.
Mario car not speeding :), throwing away Inter shirt and going to Manchester (station :), benvenuti a (welcome to) Manchester, number 45, vinyl 45, the girls, standing on the edge, "so many people", Milan's Berlusconi-produced "Blue Moon rising" film, Pretty Green to sponsor City :), the "rossoneri" City colours, all the taxis, restaurants (crucial places), Paolo Maldini, Milan San Siro stadium (outside similar to City's COMS), Liam's gift the blue cachemire Pretty Green pullover, and Mario coming back to Milan soon... (on the right side ;) ..."nothing ever lasts forever"...

and Millionaire, very ManCity title :)
"Sweet Salvador, the shadows painted and the light he saw, the way I see it now so clear, like diamonds on the water"... 
As the exclusive Dalì art show in Milan, 'The dream is getting closer' (with the first cinema sex symbol Mae West room for the first time, with her eyes hanged on the wall in two frames), Beady Eye album is all about dreams, and it's even written on the cover and in some songs titles.
A review said: "...delivers a zestful acoustic twang and eyebrow-raising lyrical references to the Catalonian town Figueres and its most famous son, Salvador Dali". Those are the places I go before reaching my Minorca island of my 2nd Morning Son video here at the bottom.

this a short song (it's simple, it doesn't want to be great...but it's nice because it's simple), so I made a brief summary: if it's years you're following me, you already know. I put: 
groupies, (my) Liam's tambourine, Liam playing guitar (and here it means that now he can do all by himself, and also write a great song as Morning Son, probably the best one on the album), now a guitar belongs to him too, then a couple of guitars of mine, the famous butterfly of August 2009 when in Milan we were waiting for the last Oasis concert ever, but that "peacock" butterfly came to me as to announce the upcoming news... ...she has eyes on her wings, in fact Beady Eye were about to start... and last summer she came again, lol ("forever I'll be be your side")... I say "she" because in Italian butterfly is feminine, "la farfalla". Wonderwall film again, with butterflies and a woman who looks like Mae West from Dali. This song ends with "until the dream is real".
Then of course something about speeding :), "forever I'll be by your side", then a girl fan of Oasis ("shiiine") with a Beatles strawberry... Video ending at the seaside (last week Noel said he hates seaside, lol), as Beady Eye album ends with the sound of the sea (Morning Son)

I made this other video for my favourite Beady Eye song, the Morning Son (could be also: "Morning sun... has rose"), written by Liam (seaside & seagulls sounds as in Weller's English rose), with images from my favourite place, Minorca, an island with many British characteristics (its history, beating the french, palaces, etc.) and seaside similar to the Italian.
There's a nice atmosphere there, as in a dream (word repeated in Beady Eye album), not only when you drink, lol. It's the place where I fell on a cactus :), as Lindsay Lohan when drunk (you remember the old post). There's a typical vegetation, similar to that one in Beady Eye cover image :)
It's a very peaceful place (where Eric Clapton has a house and also the mother of Elton John ahaha), very different from another island close to here, Ibiza (where Noel and Sara first met), full of discos. But, Minorca has the most beautiful disco in Europe, built in a cave, by the sea.
In the video of Beady Eye in Milan in the sun, Liam said that if Beady Eye were a car (different gear, still speeding :), they could be an old Mini from the '60s (that car was also in The Italian Job film). So here it is in my video.
I also put the instrument played by my father in churches, the organ.
Usually I go to Minorca by the Salvador Dali train (as that previous Dali quote for Beady Eye, the 'dream is getting closer' show in Milan) travelling Milan-Barcelona, very adventurous travel :), so I can always visit my favourite city and take the ship to Minorca travelling by night, and arriving at dawn in the morning sun, you should try to understand the big emotion when you see a place you love coming closer, as Cristoforo Colombo discovering America :)
Yesterday I said: french fries are not french but from Belgium. And here, Minorca is also the place of mayonnaise (abbreviated: mayo, as Mayo region in Ireland where the Gallagher parents come from :), that is not french, they stole it from here (name from the capital Mahon -> mahonesa, there's a long story to tell).

It's also the place where McLaren used to test the cars (when it was allowed in the rules)
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