If you have followed on Oasisblues what happened in Milan in the recent weeks...
After 2001 a Space Odyssey... Today it's even the Italian Republic day, the Secret Services said there's a high risk of terrorist attacks. 
I send an S.O.S. to the world, as the nationalist Quadrophenia leader used to say. 
This image is an ironic joke, but not far from reality. If anybody has to offer me anything, in Italy or in foreign countries, even an underground cellar where I can hide, I accept everything. 
Today was the first day of the new communist mayor. A communist even reported me, for the first time in my life, because we argued. Ridiculous. A communist reporting is double ridicolous. And now they feel powerful, so they behave like that. As if all the people should change their ideas and think as them. 
They started to be crazy, shouting nonsense in the main square (a proud gay politician from the South who has nothing to do with Milan, shouting to help the "gypsy brothers" and "muslim brothers", when in Italy there are other problems for the people). If he did that before the election, almost nobody would have voted for them. They even want to build a mosque.
Please help me marco@miamilan.com

Beatles songs of the day: Yesterday (now I need a place to hide away) and (please please) Help! (me)
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