FUCKING - (lol) Today it's all about fucking ahaha. Another post about fucking. A word we use much, an activity we don't do enough :).
Let's everybody update our "current location" to this town: Fucking, Austria. The world will be a better place. It's not so far from Milan.
For an Oasis fan, this is a cult trip. We could go @ Easter weekend, in the centre of Europe, reachable for anyone.

local tour guide:
"The Germans all want to see Mozart's house in Salzburg; the Americans want to see where The Sound of Music was filmed; the Japanese want Hitler's birthplace in Braunau; but for the British, it's all about Fucking."

Augustina Lindlbauer, the manager of an area guesthouse, noted that the area had lakes, forests, and vistas worth visiting, but there was an "obsession with Fucking".

she recalled how she had to explain to a British female tourist "that there were no Fucking postcards."

it was announced that the village would be installing CCTV cameras in an attempt to deter summertime tourists from filming themselves having sexual intercourse in front of the Fucking signs.


click here for more information

Oasis, Fucking in the bushes (a bit copied from Jimi Hendrix, Little miss lover, plus samples from Murray Lerner's film Message to Love-Isle of Wight)

live @ City of Manchester stadium, plus Turn up the sun, by Andy
("you're gonna get the sack" sounds like a bit of a hoax...after Noel left the band 2 days before the last gig in Milan...)

MILAN - You remember last year there was "calling the kid Beady Eye by the end of the year" (said by Liam Gallagher)...as we didn't have kids yet, this year it's "by the end of the world" :))
(21 December 2012, time: 11:11 am). And you remember all the strange Oasis artworks... the "Oasis curse - mysteries"...
We noticed that between this and the "weekend trip to Fucking, Austria", there are about 9 months... it's written, we must make this kid called BeadyEye, LOL.
Then the kid is gonna be proud and tell everybody: my name is Beadyeye and I was conceived in Fucking, Austria (LOL). He/She's both a boy and a girl...as in Tommy by the Who: it's a boooyyy... no, it's a girl. Or: it's Noel, that is: both of them ahahaha
In Italian (Roman dialect) it's: "o' famo strano 'sto pupetto", LOL (=we make this baby in a strange way), from a popular comic film.
Really original child, unique. Maybe a bit too much.
Now seriously, I think having a child nowadays is the worst idea one could have. I mean, it's probably the biggest joy one could have in life but how much time would it last? some weeks? then it would be all about spending money, well wasting money, having seen the results of the new generations, not sleeping, more problems as if they weren't enough, and shitting everywhere (lol).
They say they're sure I would be a perfect dad. And I already don't sleep at night (but in the morning). And I've got A LOT of time on my hands (lol). So I could be a perfect baby sitter :) (desperate househusband), full of shit around ahahaha Not sure about it... I know children like me, but the feeling is not always mutual.

the "fucking Mayans" ahaha
(the ones Noel Gallagher loves...)

oh and about children being our future, here's a song to remember Whitney Houston,
Greatest love of all

other people added to the Milano Jazzin' Festival: Alanis Morissette and the Beach Boys (because Noel hates them, you remember). More soon.
Are we going to invite all the bands "Noel Gellaga" hates? 'cause it would be a year-long festival, lol. He doesn't hate Kasabian but since they refused him, he probably hates them now :)
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