Carnival, this and next week.
The traditional "Carnevale ambrosiano" in Milan, with some things reminding of the Brazilian Carnival.

Meneghino is the main Milanese Carnival character (meneghino, like milanese and ambrosiano, now means = of Milano), other cities have other characters (Pulcinella in Naples, Harlequin and Brighella in Bergamo, etc.).
The name comes from the surname of the servant going with noblewomen for a walk, or to the church.
He is a bit rough but a good, generous person and mostly characterized by honesty, sincerity and a strong sense of justice. To defend his people, he doesn’t run away. He is funny and able to mock aristocratic people. He became a hero, a symbol of the Italian unification.
He is usually represented as wearing these clothes, a cocked three-cornered hat, a pony-tailed wig, red-white striped stockings and an umbrella.
Meneghino’s sincerity is also symbolized by the fact that, unlike most “commedia dell’arte” theatre characters, he doesn’t wear a mask, nor make-up. This makes of him a free character.

The typical Italian sweet treats for Carnival are the “chiacchiere” (= that also means “blah blah”, lol), with powdered sugar… and if you want also Nutella ;P
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