Dali art show: free entry on 31 December in the morning, with other 4 art shows @ Palazzo Reale
(per chi non è ancora andato, il 31 dicembre mattina la mostra di Dali è gratis con le altre 4 mostre di Palazzo Reale)

Sometimes I'm worried I could lose all the nice things we fans publish on good websites as these ones (and these are also good-looking :). So of course I saved everything, I've got my archives and copies. In case of accidental loss, everything would be published again in a few minutes.
Feltrinelli publisher, one of the main Italian publishing houses (they also sell instruments with Ricordi), will print OasisBlues, a "best of" collection: so now there's a long work to put everything in order, throw away things, add new ones, etc.
It's about everything we like: Milan, fashion, music, Oasis, football, cute girls :), City, Italy, England.
Of course I'm not gonna give millions of copies, it wouldn't be possible (maybe someday), just a few ones for the biggest fans who want to keep something real, not virtual as in internet. All this is gonna cost a few Euros, not much, mainly for the cost of putting all together and printing (it will be in colours and all). I think I'm gonna make one about Milan as first, then OasisBlues.
Recently I already wrote some issues, comic ones. And when I was a kid I made my own magazines (about cars, then videogames) and I had a thousand good ideas (the difficult and expensive part was printing, I was using an old typewriter as the great Montanelli :). Of course almost nobody was listening to me :), they were all sleeping as almost everybody now, history repeating :) (as the boy Noel on gigs: he always told his friends to come to the concerts - full of blondes :) - but of course nobody was listening :)
So now I can already have an idea of how many copies I should make them print, reserve your copy writing me: marco@miamilan.com
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..... arts->football->art->food->art->fashion->football->music->art... slideshow I made with Oasis piano music of Live forever:
the 1st city of fashion in the world, the most famous painting in the world, the most famous theatre in the world, the best food in the world, the 1st team in football history, Milan is magic

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