On the metro going to the Forum (Assago), 2 foreign blonde girls (maybe Germans) beside me... I stared at one 'cause she looked like a doll... then I saw they were speaking together secretly and suddenly they looked at me, smiling... Milan.
(the same happened last summer @ Stone Roses). I thought they were saying I was staring at one, but I'm probably wrong, 'cause I wasn't really.
I sold the passes to redhead Florence + the Machine, so I'm now a millionaire... Milan.
I've seen the crowd waiting outside: it was almost completely made of homosexual people (nothing against them, maybe you like them, I have a "too old" mind, traditional... but I have some experience in threesomes, lol). I mean both clearly gays and clearly lesbians... Milan.
Or maybe the boys were the girls' "personal shoppers"... Seriously, in Milan heterosexuals are extinct... that's why Courtney Love and Kate Moss chose milan to have sex.
I sold the passes to a gang of "strange" people from Naples (they re-sold them to the people for a higher price), they looked like half-criminals, and one (the one I chose 'cause looking "honest") even told me to steal a ticket that was on the table of the office... Milan. 
I said I have no experience.
On the metro, going away from that strange place with strange people, a couple of girls were kissing among the people... not a simple kiss, looked more like a sex scene... Milan.

According to the people attending the concert, it was great, with new songs, also because it was the first one of her new tour. I had already seen her @ Arena, the stage is her place.

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