We're all happy with Marco giving us news and rarities about Milan, Italy, England, Oasis and everything.
But people who hate Milan or England or Italy or Oasis or whatever, sometimes say he makes mistakes writing English language. Just a detail: they can't speak one word of all the languages he can speak (that's why his nickname is Salamander, for his long tongue).
And he makes mistakes not because he's drunk ^_^ or tired, or because speaking other languages during the day. He really needs a teacher :D, needs to learn everything, we gotta start from the basics, lol!

It's some time we're only looking at musicians and football players... from the man's point of view: are we gay?! no way! :)
So here is again some English beauties striptease (not nude) from Talksport IQ quizzes featuring a 'different' Noel Gallagher :)

post scriptum:
also needed teachers of other languages, we gotta open our mind ^_^, without being racist but mix the races and use our tongues :PPPPPP





more to come ^_^
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