As you know, Milan is developing the city towards 2015 Expo (the place where Oasis had to perform their last concert ever, before a 5-year-break).
Today the winner for CityLife park plan was announced: of course "ze Germans" (2 projects) and the french (2 projects) lost ^_^ as usual, and also a Portuguese and a Swiss one.
And the winner is... London's Gustafson Porter studio from Great Britain. The title is "Fra le montagne e la pianura", between mountains and plain. The English will make it in collaboration with Milan people, the Milanese inhabitants.

the mayor of Milan, the redhead ^_^ Mrs Letizia Moratti

here is another 3D video similar to that one of Expo 2015

There's another event for Halloween, in Turin, sponsored by Milan & the Alfa Romeo I was writing about: 
it's the Movement Music Festival with Chemical Brothers here
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