@ Palasharp

sheriff stars as Oasis

Paolo has always eyes closed :)

great gig, we were on the front row. Cowboy western spaghetti scenery, so nice.. very Italian as Paolo. Sometimes it seemed to be in a Sergio Leone movie (see Morricone concert). There was a band with trumpets and all. I uploaded some videos but we were too close to the Marshalls :) loudspeakers. The girls now have gone to Paolo hotel, I'm not interested ^_^

Beatles cowboy boots. Sometimes the trumpets made a western spaghetti style music

Last request +ciao ciao Paolo :), buonanotte Milano http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rqdfnvDQOWY

we were closer than it seems. Unfortunately I can upload only acoustic songs, because we were too close to the loudspeakers. I've put a couple on one of my YouTube channels

there were so many people they had to change venue

Candy, acoustic showcase @ British Council, Milan http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JmXO-9uDjLU
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