this is the blog of

(alla stazione col colbacco) 
Totò in Milan, from the film "Totò, Peppino e la malafemmina", year 1956). This is the station where also the Beatles arrived. Because of some stereotypes, they arrive dressed as if they were soldiers in Russia :) 
Totò is sure: "in Milan it can't be warm. ...Maybe it's a warm coldness"... pun, game with words: "when there's fog, you can't see. There is fog and you can't see it", lol. 
"Why are they laughing? Because you, dressed as a milanese, are ridiculous", lol 

(informazioni al vigile) 
very popular scene in Italy. 
They're holding their hands, lol. The Duomo was dirty, because of pollution (cars could go around). "What is that? the town hall? ^^ What are you saying, it must be the Scala theatre ^^ (scala = stairway) And where is the stairway? ^^ It must be inside ^^ It's beautiful, it seems real. "It's Etruscan style ^^ Let's ask that soldier ^^ Are you crazy, that must be an Austrian general ^^ It's ok, we're allies ^^ (then they think he's German but he speaks funny Milanese and they talk in half-French ^^) "he speaks Italian! congratulations!" lol ... What's that? the arch of Titus ^^ isn't it dangerous? ^^

reminds me of when we went around with a model from Czech Republic and my friend said: the Duomo is Baroque, lol

now that finally we are in Milan, let's go and see that famous Colosseum? lol

citazioni su Milano - in Italian, English and Milanese.

"Milan: what a beautiful place to die". 
(John Carradine, last words before dying in Milan, at Fatebenefratelli hospital, at age 82. Some hours before, he had climbed the 328 steep steps of Milan's Gothic cathedral, the Duomo. His son David Carradine (and then Keith) were with him, reading Shakespeare to him)
(= Milano: che magnifico posto per morire. - ultime parole prima di morire a Milano. Alcune ore prima, aveva salito i 328 ripidi gradini della cattedrale gotica di Milano, il Duomo. Suo figlio era con lui, leggendogli Shakespeare)

Milano è un enorme conglomerato di eremiti. 
(Eugenio Montale)

Milano è sterile, come il deserto, e per starci bisogna essere attrezzati. Che non è adatta ai dilettanti. Per questo la amo. 
(Sandrone Dazieri)
(= Milan is sterile, as the desert, and you have to be equipped to stay there. It's not suitable for rookies. This is why I love it)

Che solitudine in questa affollata città rombante!
(Clemente Rebora)

Che differenza c'è tra Roma e Milano, a parte il fatto che lassù si lavora?
(Arrigo Benedetti, L'esplosione)
(= what's the difference between Rome and Milan, apart from the fact that up there they work?)

Adesso che siamo a Milano finalmente, vogliamo andare a vedere questo famoso Colosseo?
(Totò, in Totò, Peppino e... la malafemmina)
(= now that finally we are in Milan, let's go and see that famous Colosseum? lol)

"Milano è una città bellissima. Molta gente pagherebbe per stare qui. Non vado quasi mai a fare shopping, quello che mi piace di Milano è la gente".
(David Beckham, former AC Milan, detto a Milanello nel 2009, tirava palloni verso di me)
[= Milan is a beautiful city. Many people would pay for staying here. I almost never go shopping, what I like in Milan is the people.
- said in Milanello in 2009, he was throwing balls at me]

"Sapessi com'è strano sentirsi innamorati a Milano... sapessi com'è strano darsi appuntamenti a Milano, in un grande magazzino, in piazza o in Galleria, che pazzia. Eppure in questo posto impossibile, tu mi hai detto ti amo, io ti ho detto ti amo".
(Ornella Vanoni, song "Innamorati a Milano" (lovers in Milan)
(= if you only knew how it's 'strange' (different) to be in love in Milan... and how strange to date someone in Milan, in a big store, in a square o in the Gallery, how crazy. But, in this impossible place, you told me you love me, I told you I love you)

"Tu mi ricordi Milano, il suo viso strano, che d'inverno è più vivo. Il giro di boa quotidiano di gente che parte, di gente che arriva. La parte più calda e più densa, la mia confidenza con questa città. Mi pare che tu rassomigli a questi Navigli vestiti di nebbia... Le strade della tua città vecchia, la tua timidezza, io le giro a piedi. E poi ritornando nel centro mi sentirò dentro la tua tenerezza... E dietro i tuoi occhi finestre che filtrano sempre un po' di poesia, con questa mania di vivere tutto come dovessi andare via. Le strade diverse che vanno lontano dalla grande città... Sei come al caldo di un respiro che quando fa freddo ti si ferma vicino e ti fa sentire anche in periferia di essere ricco, di essere vivo. Ho voglia di prendere in mano la grande Milano e la tua libertà, io ora spengo le luci di questa città. Ti amo, torno a casa con te Milano, a casa con te, ti amo, a casa con te"
(Ornella Vanoni, song by Gino Paoli, "Tu mi ricordi Milano" (you remind me of Milan)
(summary, literal translation) "...Milan strange face... people leaving and arriving everyday... you're similar to these Navigli channels dressed with fog... your old city streets, your shyness, I walk them around... then coming back around Milan centre I'll feel inside me your tenderness... behind your eyes: windows always filtering some poetry... you're as the heat of a breath stopping beside you when it's cold... I wanna take in my hand the great Milan and your freedom... now I turn off the lights of this city... I love you (ti amo), I come back home with you Milan (Milano), home with you, I love you (ti amo), home with you"

"...reminds me of fashion, football, fantastic food and the fans...the amazing city of Milan which provides a beautiful backdrop with the Duomo... I hear it's good for shopping too, shame we don't have time".
(Jenson Button, McLaren)
(= ...mi ricorda la moda, il calcio, il cibo fantastico e i fan... la splendida città di Milano, che offre un bellissimo sfondo con il Duomo ... Ho sentito che è ottima anche per lo shopping, peccato che non abbiamo tempo)

"It’s the whole culture, I feel like I slot right in because it’s just very relaxed. The food is incredible, but it is the people who make it. It’s obviously aesthetically beautiful, you’ve got ancient monuments and you can walk round them and they’re beautiful, but for me, it’s the actual people who live here. There seems to be a really good family spirit. The computer generation doesn’t seem to have changed that. There is still a beautiful family vibe."
("Britalian" Sergio Pizzorno, Kasabian, in Milan)
(= è tutta la cultura, mi sento di inserirmi bene perché è proprio molto rilassato. Il cibo è incredibile, ma sono le persone che lo fanno. Ovviamente è esteticamente bella, ci sono i monumenti antichi e ci si può camminare intorno e sono belli, ma per me, sono le persone vere che vivono qui. Sembra che ci sia uno spirito famigliare davvero bello. La generazione del computer non sembra averlo cambiato. C'è ancora una bella atmosfera di famiglia)

Non è vero che sono brutta. Non è vero che sopra di me c'è sempre la nebbia. Non è vero che sono fredda e penso solo ai soldi. Per chi mi avete preso? Io sono Milano. E sono una bella signora.
(Un giorno a Milano – Raffaella Rietmann, Michele Tranquillini)

"The tempo was troppo caldo (too hot weather), the Duomo is breathtaking to say the least. Milano women are ridiculously stylish and fabulously slim, gorgeous beings. We get chatting to Marco who was around for Paolo Nutini arriving and had given him a quick hand shake then sloped off (you know how cool guys like to play it), he is really a Brit Indie lad at heart trapped inside the body of an Italian guy, his taste in music is fabulous. He shaped my pizza into a love heart. Italian men are so smooth!"
(= il tempo era troppo caldo, il Duomo è mozzafiato a dir poco. Le donne di Milano sono esageratamente eleganti e incredibilmente magre, creature magnifiche. Siamo riusciti a chiacchierare con Marco che era in giro per Paolo Nutini in arrivo e gli aveva dato una veloce stretta di mano poi è sparito (sai come piace giocare ai ragazzi fighi :), è davvero un ragazzo Brit nel cuore dentro il corpo di un ragazzo italiano, il suo gusto per la musica è favoloso. Mi ha fatto una pizza a forma di cuore. Gli uomini italiani sono così dolci!)

Ma a Milano gli eterosessuali si sono estinti?

"Il cibo ha le (contro)palle, è incredibile. [va matto per il Gorgonzola]
Milano è il miglior fottuto pubblico, e lo dico davvero!" (toccandosi il cuore più volte)
(Liam Gallagher, former Oasis)
(= The food's the bollocks. It's amazing. [he's mad for Gorgonzola cheese]
Milan is the best fucking crowd, and I really mean it! - (touching his heart many times)

Sì, Milano è proprio bella, amico mio, e credimi che qualche volta c'è proprio bisogno di una tenace volontà per resistere alle sue seduzioni, e restare al lavoro. Ma queste seduzioni sono fomite, eccitamento continuo al lavoro, sono l'aria respirabile perché viva la mente; ed il cuore, lungi dal farci torto non serve spesso che a rinvigorirla. Provasi davvero la febbre di fare; in mezzo a cotesta folla briosa, seducente, bella, che ti si aggira attorno, provi il bisogno d'isolarti, assai meglio di come se tu fossi in una solitaria campagna. E la solitudine ti è popolata da tutte le larve affascinanti che ti hanno sorriso per le vie e che son diventate patrimonio della tua mente.
(Giovanni Verga)

Se quand'era tempo avessi potuto compiacere ad un mio desiderio, io sarei andato a vivere alcuni anni a Napoli, alcuni a Milano. Queste due città, una per la sua grande popolazione, l'altra per molte particolari condizioni, sono da qualche tempo la stanza del pensare filosofico in Italia. Esse furono abitate da quasi tutti i nostri scrittori che s'innalzarono ad una certa elevatezza d'idee, ed abbracciarono una certa estensione di principii.
(Giuseppe Bianchetti)

"Noel refers to Italy as Oasis 'spiritual home' and anyone who has been to an Oasis gig in Italy will know why. It’s fitting they have chosen Milan to stage the final show..." (from the official site)
(= Noel si riferisce all'Italia come la "casa spirituale degli Oasis" e chiunque sia stato a un concerto degli Oasis in Italia sa perchè. E' azzeccato che abbiano scelto Milano per l'ultimo spettacolo... - nel 2015...)
"L'Italia è la casa spirituale degli Oasis.
I ragazzi italiani sono come me, molto passionali. 4 elementi li contraddistinguono: il calcio, la musica, la famiglia e l'amore per l'eleganza. I miei amici italiani sono dei fighi, indossano vestiti e scarpe stupende, sciarpe favolose, occhiali da sole anche di notte e donne bellissime al loro fianco. Beh, sono considerato una figura santa in Italia. E' Milano... l'Italia è grande amico, cazzo se mi piace andarci".

(Noel Gallagher, ex Oasis)
(= Italy is Oasis spiritual home. Italian boys are like me, very passionate.4 elements mark them: football, music, family and love for elegance. My Italian friends are cool, they wear wonderful clothes and shoes, fabulous scarves, sunglasses even at night and beautiful women by their side. Well, I'm considered quite a holy figure in Italy, It's Milan... Italy's great man, I fucking love going there.)

(from the song)
Lassa pur ch'el mond el disa | ma Milan l'è un gran Milan. 
Lascia pure che il mondo parli, ma Milano è una gran Milano.
(= Let the world talk, but Milan is a great Milan) (unique)
(Giovanni D'Anzi)

(from Milan "anthem")
Tutt el mond a l'è paes | e semm d'accord | ma Milan l'è on gran Milan. 
Tutto il mondo è paese | e siamo d'accordo | ma Milano è una gran Milano [unica].
(dalla canzone popolare [oh mia bella] Madunina )

oh mia bela Madunina, che te brìlet de luntàn, tüta d'ora e picinina, tì te dòminet Milàn, sota a tì se viv la vida, se stà mai cui màn in màn...
sì, vegnì sensa paüra, nüm ve slungaremm la maan...

oh mia bella Madonnina, che brilli da lontano, tutta d'oro e piccolina, tu domini Milano, sotto di te si vive la vita, non si sta mai con le mani in mano... sì, venite senza paura, noi vi daremo una mano
(= oh my beautiful Lady [the golden statue-symbol], you shine from far, all of gold and tiny, you dominate Milan, under you we live our life, always having something to do... yes, come here with no fear, we'll give you a hand) poi vègnen chì a Milan. poi vengono qui a Milano.
(= but then (everybody's) coming to Milan)
(dalla canzone popolare [oh mia bella] Madunina )

more to add

citazioni su Milano - in Italian, English and Milanese.

"Milan: what a beautiful place to die". 
(John Carradine, last words before dying in Milan, at Fatebenefratelli hospital, at age 82. Some hours before, he had climbed the 328 steep steps of Milan's Gothic cathedral, the Duomo. His son David Carradine (and then Keith) were with him, reading Shakespeare to him)
(= Milano: che magnifico posto per morire. - ultime parole prima di morire a Milano. Alcune ore prima, aveva salito i 328 ripidi gradini della cattedrale gotica di Milano, il Duomo. Suo figlio era con lui, leggendogli Shakespeare)

Milano è un enorme conglomerato di eremiti. 
(Eugenio Montale)

Milano è sterile, come il deserto, e per starci bisogna essere attrezzati. Che non è adatta ai dilettanti. Per questo la amo. 
(Sandrone Dazieri)
(= Milan is sterile, as the desert, and you have to be equipped to stay there. It's not suitable for rookies. This is why I love it)

Che solitudine in questa affollata città rombante!
(Clemente Rebora)

Che differenza c'è tra Roma e Milano, a parte il fatto che lassù si lavora?
(Arrigo Benedetti, L'esplosione)
(= what's the difference between Rome and Milan, apart from the fact that up there they work?)

Adesso che siamo a Milano finalmente, vogliamo andare a vedere questo famoso Colosseo?
(Totò, in Totò, Peppino e... la malafemmina)
(= now that finally we are in Milan, let's go and see that famous Colosseum? lol)

"Milano è una città bellissima. Molta gente pagherebbe per stare qui. Non vado quasi mai a fare shopping, quello che mi piace di Milano è la gente".
(David Beckham, former AC Milan, detto a Milanello nel 2009, tirava palloni verso di me)
[= Milan is a beautiful city. Many people would pay for staying here. I almost never go shopping, what I like in Milan is the people.
- said in Milanello in 2009, he was throwing balls at me]

"Sapessi com'è strano sentirsi innamorati a Milano... sapessi com'è strano darsi appuntamenti a Milano, in un grande magazzino, in piazza o in Galleria, che pazzia. Eppure in questo posto impossibile, tu mi hai detto ti amo, io ti ho detto ti amo".
(Ornella Vanoni, song "Innamorati a Milano" (lovers in Milan)
(= if you only knew how it's 'strange' (different) to be in love in Milan... and how strange to date someone in Milan, in a big store, in a square o in the Gallery, how crazy. But, in this impossible place, you told me you love me, I told you I love you)

"Tu mi ricordi Milano, il suo viso strano, che d'inverno è più vivo. Il giro di boa quotidiano di gente che parte, di gente che arriva. La parte più calda e più densa, la mia confidenza con questa città. Mi pare che tu rassomigli a questi Navigli vestiti di nebbia... Le strade della tua città vecchia, la tua timidezza, io le giro a piedi. E poi ritornando nel centro mi sentirò dentro la tua tenerezza... E dietro i tuoi occhi finestre che filtrano sempre un po' di poesia, con questa mania di vivere tutto come dovessi andare via. Le strade diverse che vanno lontano dalla grande città... Sei come al caldo di un respiro che quando fa freddo ti si ferma vicino e ti fa sentire anche in periferia di essere ricco, di essere vivo. Ho voglia di prendere in mano la grande Milano e la tua libertà, io ora spengo le luci di questa città. Ti amo, torno a casa con te Milano, a casa con te, ti amo, a casa con te"
(Ornella Vanoni, song by Gino Paoli, "Tu mi ricordi Milano" (you remind me of Milan)
(summary, literal translation) "...Milan strange face... people leaving and arriving everyday... you're similar to these Navigli channels dressed with fog... your old city streets, your shyness, I walk them around... then coming back around Milan centre I'll feel inside me your tenderness... behind your eyes: windows always filtering some poetry... you're as the heat of a breath stopping beside you when it's cold... I wanna take in my hand the great Milan and your freedom... now I turn off the lights of this city... I love you (ti amo), I come back home with you Milan (Milano), home with you, I love you (ti amo), home with you"

"...reminds me of fashion, football, fantastic food and the fans...the amazing city of Milan which provides a beautiful backdrop with the Duomo... I hear it's good for shopping too, shame we don't have time".
(Jenson Button, McLaren)
(= ...mi ricorda la moda, il calcio, il cibo fantastico e i fan... la splendida città di Milano, che offre un bellissimo sfondo con il Duomo ... Ho sentito che è ottima anche per lo shopping, peccato che non abbiamo tempo)

"It’s the whole culture, I feel like I slot right in because it’s just very relaxed. The food is incredible, but it is the people who make it. It’s obviously aesthetically beautiful, you’ve got ancient monuments and you can walk round them and they’re beautiful, but for me, it’s the actual people who live here. There seems to be a really good family spirit. The computer generation doesn’t seem to have changed that. There is still a beautiful family vibe."
("Britalian" Sergio Pizzorno, Kasabian, in Milan)
(= è tutta la cultura, mi sento di inserirmi bene perché è proprio molto rilassato. Il cibo è incredibile, ma sono le persone che lo fanno. Ovviamente è esteticamente bella, ci sono i monumenti antichi e ci si può camminare intorno e sono belli, ma per me, sono le persone vere che vivono qui. Sembra che ci sia uno spirito famigliare davvero bello. La generazione del computer non sembra averlo cambiato. C'è ancora una bella atmosfera di famiglia)

Non è vero che sono brutta. Non è vero che sopra di me c'è sempre la nebbia. Non è vero che sono fredda e penso solo ai soldi. Per chi mi avete preso? Io sono Milano. E sono una bella signora.
(Un giorno a Milano – Raffaella Rietmann, Michele Tranquillini)

"The tempo was troppo caldo (too hot weather), the Duomo is breathtaking to say the least. Milano women are ridiculously stylish and fabulously slim, gorgeous beings. We get chatting to Marco who was around for Paolo Nutini arriving and had given him a quick hand shake then sloped off (you know how cool guys like to play it), he is really a Brit Indie lad at heart trapped inside the body of an Italian guy, his taste in music is fabulous. He shaped my pizza into a love heart. Italian men are so smooth!"
(= il tempo era troppo caldo, il Duomo è mozzafiato a dir poco. Le donne di Milano sono esageratamente eleganti e incredibilmente magre, creature magnifiche. Siamo riusciti a chiacchierare con Marco che era in giro per Paolo Nutini in arrivo e gli aveva dato una veloce stretta di mano poi è sparito (sai come piace giocare ai ragazzi fighi :), è davvero un ragazzo Brit nel cuore dentro il corpo di un ragazzo italiano, il suo gusto per la musica è favoloso. Mi ha fatto una pizza a forma di cuore. Gli uomini italiani sono così dolci!)

Ma a Milano gli eterosessuali si sono estinti?

"Il cibo ha le (contro)palle, è incredibile. [va matto per il Gorgonzola]
Milano è il miglior fottuto pubblico, e lo dico davvero!" (toccandosi il cuore più volte)
(Liam Gallagher, former Oasis)
(= The food's the bollocks. It's amazing. [he's mad for Gorgonzola cheese]
Milan is the best fucking crowd, and I really mean it! - (touching his heart many times)

Sì, Milano è proprio bella, amico mio, e credimi che qualche volta c'è proprio bisogno di una tenace volontà per resistere alle sue seduzioni, e restare al lavoro. Ma queste seduzioni sono fomite, eccitamento continuo al lavoro, sono l'aria respirabile perché viva la mente; ed il cuore, lungi dal farci torto non serve spesso che a rinvigorirla. Provasi davvero la febbre di fare; in mezzo a cotesta folla briosa, seducente, bella, che ti si aggira attorno, provi il bisogno d'isolarti, assai meglio di come se tu fossi in una solitaria campagna. E la solitudine ti è popolata da tutte le larve affascinanti che ti hanno sorriso per le vie e che son diventate patrimonio della tua mente.
(Giovanni Verga)

Se quand'era tempo avessi potuto compiacere ad un mio desiderio, io sarei andato a vivere alcuni anni a Napoli, alcuni a Milano. Queste due città, una per la sua grande popolazione, l'altra per molte particolari condizioni, sono da qualche tempo la stanza del pensare filosofico in Italia. Esse furono abitate da quasi tutti i nostri scrittori che s'innalzarono ad una certa elevatezza d'idee, ed abbracciarono una certa estensione di principii.
(Giuseppe Bianchetti)

"Noel refers to Italy as Oasis 'spiritual home' and anyone who has been to an Oasis gig in Italy will know why. It’s fitting they have chosen Milan to stage the final show..." (from the official site)
(= Noel si riferisce all'Italia come la "casa spirituale degli Oasis" e chiunque sia stato a un concerto degli Oasis in Italia sa perchè. E' azzeccato che abbiano scelto Milano per l'ultimo spettacolo... - nel 2015...)
"L'Italia è la casa spirituale degli Oasis.
I ragazzi italiani sono come me, molto passionali. 4 elementi li contraddistinguono: il calcio, la musica, la famiglia e l'amore per l'eleganza. I miei amici italiani sono dei fighi, indossano vestiti e scarpe stupende, sciarpe favolose, occhiali da sole anche di notte e donne bellissime al loro fianco. Beh, sono considerato una figura santa in Italia. E' Milano... l'Italia è grande amico, cazzo se mi piace andarci".

(Noel Gallagher, ex Oasis)
(= Italy is Oasis spiritual home. Italian boys are like me, very passionate.4 elements mark them: football, music, family and love for elegance. My Italian friends are cool, they wear wonderful clothes and shoes, fabulous scarves, sunglasses even at night and beautiful women by their side. Well, I'm considered quite a holy figure in Italy, It's Milan... Italy's great man, I fucking love going there.)

(from the song)
Lassa pur ch'el mond el disa | ma Milan l'è un gran Milan. 
Lascia pure che il mondo parli, ma Milano è una gran Milano.
(= Let the world talk, but Milan is a great Milan) (unique)
(Giovanni D'Anzi)

(from Milan "anthem")
Tutt el mond a l'è paes | e semm d'accord | ma Milan l'è on gran Milan. 
Tutto il mondo è paese | e siamo d'accordo | ma Milano è una gran Milano [unica].
(dalla canzone popolare [oh mia bella] Madunina )

oh mia bela Madunina, che te brìlet de luntàn, tüta d'ora e picinina, tì te dòminet Milàn, sota a tì se viv la vida, se stà mai cui màn in màn...
sì, vegnì sensa paüra, nüm ve slungaremm la maan...

oh mia bella Madonnina, che brilli da lontano, tutta d'oro e piccolina, tu domini Milano, sotto di te si vive la vita, non si sta mai con le mani in mano... sì, venite senza paura, noi vi daremo una mano
(= oh my beautiful Lady [the golden statue-symbol], you shine from far, all of gold and tiny, you dominate Milan, under you we live our life, always having something to do... yes, come here with no fear, we'll give you a hand) poi vègnen chì a Milan. poi vengono qui a Milano.
(= but then (everybody's) coming to Milan)
(dalla canzone popolare [oh mia bella] Madunina )

more to add

(alla stazione col colbacco) 
Totò in Milan, from the film "Totò, Peppino e la malafemmina", year 1956). This is the station where also the Beatles arrived. Because of some stereotypes, they arrive dressed as if they were soldiers in Russia :) 
Totò is sure: "in Milan it can't be warm. ...Maybe it's a warm coldness"... pun, game with words: "when there's fog, you can't see. There is fog and you can't see it", lol. 
"Why are they laughing? Because you, dressed as a milanese, are ridiculous", lol 

(informazioni al vigile) 
very popular scene in Italy. 
They're holding their hands, lol. The Duomo was dirty, because of pollution (cars could go around). "What is that? the town hall? ^^ What are you saying, it must be the Scala theatre ^^ (scala = stairway) And where is the stairway? ^^ It must be inside ^^ It's beautiful, it seems real. "It's Etruscan style ^^ Let's ask that soldier ^^ Are you crazy, that must be an Austrian general ^^ It's ok, we're allies ^^ (then they think he's German but he speaks funny Milanese and they talk in half-French ^^) "he speaks Italian! congratulations!" lol ... What's that? the arch of Titus ^^ isn't it dangerous? ^^

reminds me of when we went around with a model from Czech Republic and my friend said: the Duomo is Baroque, lol

now that finally we are in Milan, let's go and see that famous Colosseum? lol

I have free passes for Florence + the Machine in Milano (20 November) if you're interested. Red hair, very Milano :)

In those days (13-18 Nov.) there's also the (70th) EICMA, the biggest international motorbikes exhibition in the world. 
Girls who want to work for my sister, contact me ( You need to be serious, not late, and have max a 38-40 Italian size dress.

Halloweekend news: unfortunately, there is no "capodanno celtico" fairground, because the "Comune di Milano" (the communist mayor) put higher taxes.
Anyway, there's still some party for Halloween and it's still possible to cook risotto ;), with sweet pumpkin.

Gangnam Style dance in Milano, piazza Duomo
the end of the world is definitely close... the people are going crazy. 
On the front row: Leone di Lernia, lol. 
For the end of the world (21 December, 11:11 in the morning) I think I'm going for a lunch to the Mexican Maya bar :)

I have free passes for Florence + the Machine in Milano (20 November) if you're interested. Red hair, very Milano :)

In those days (13-18 Nov.) there's also the (70th) EICMA, the biggest international motorbikes exhibition in the world. 
Girls who want to work for my sister, contact me ( You need to be serious, not late, and have max a 38-40 Italian size dress.

Halloweekend news: unfortunately, there is no "capodanno celtico" fairground, because the "Comune di Milano" (the communist mayor) put higher taxes.
Anyway, there's still some party for Halloween and it's still possible to cook risotto ;), with sweet pumpkin.

Gangnam Style dance in Milano, piazza Duomo
the end of the world is definitely close... the people are going crazy. 
On the front row: Leone di Lernia, lol. 
For the end of the world (21 December, 11:11 in the morning) I think I'm going for a lunch to the Mexican Maya bar :)

concessionario McLaren...Milan, England. 
holy place... it's like visiting a church for a prayer to help Jenson :) 
(Button was here at the launch)
The Formula 1 car was of Ayrton Senna

concessionario McLaren...Milan, England. 
holy place... it's like visiting a church for a prayer to help Jenson :) 
(Button was here at the launch)
The Formula 1 car was of Ayrton Senna

The "new Milan" is from projects started some years ago of course, not now.
This is Corso Como District (@ Garibaldi, torre Hines, Porta Nuova), the new zone under construction of our historic club Hollywood Milano.
These buildings ("palazzi") are impressive to see here, 'cause Italy is not a country of skyscrapers ("grattacieli"), even if there are great architects as Renzo Piano (e.g. London's Shard). The square is by Argentinian of Italian origins César Pelli. The main skyscraper is the tallest one in Italy.
@ 2:32 hotel Principe di Savoia where AC Milan the best club in history was founded and Oasis used to stay, we were meeting them with the Oasis groupies. In the 90s we were meeting @ Four Seasons hotel in Jesus street next to Via Montenapoleone (first fashion street in the world)

The "new Milan" is from projects started some years ago of course, not now.
This is Corso Como District (@ Garibaldi, torre Hines, Porta Nuova), the new zone under construction of our historic club Hollywood Milano.
These buildings ("palazzi") are impressive to see here, 'cause Italy is not a country of skyscrapers ("grattacieli"), even if there are great architects as Renzo Piano (e.g. London's Shard). The square is by Argentinian of Italian origins César Pelli. The main skyscraper is the tallest one in Italy.
@ 2:32 hotel Principe di Savoia where AC Milan the best club in history was founded and Oasis used to stay, we were meeting them with the Oasis groupies. In the 90s we were meeting @ Four Seasons hotel in Jesus street next to Via Montenapoleone (first fashion street in the world)

from Women Direct agency, Milan. Pretty Green womenswear soon, the fashion brand started in Milano. Model not available, already engaged ;). 
appropriate hairstyle: Oasis fringe :) (that Noel Gallagher lost...) 
Liam, how do you want girls to be dressed? 
"not a big fan of girls in clothes" (lol) 

girls who want to work @ next Eicma, contact me

from Women Direct agency, Milan. Pretty Green womenswear soon, the fashion brand started in Milano. Model not available, already engaged ;). 
appropriate hairstyle: Oasis fringe :) (that Noel Gallagher lost...) 
Liam, how do you want girls to be dressed? 
"not a big fan of girls in clothes" (lol) 

girls who want to work @ next Eicma, contact me

from an American, impressions about Milano:
"Imagine Paris.
Now, imagine New York.
Now, imagine that New York and Paris fused themselves together and relocated to northern Italy. 
Streamlined, classic European architecture that I love with a grungier feel, more graffiti, and relentless drivers. High fashion, fierce fashion, spikes and stilettos and huge sunglasses wherever you look. Street markets, enough handbags to feed India for a week, shoe stores and lingerie stores lining every block. That’s Milan.
The first thing I noticed about Milan is that the women were beautiful. Italian women all seem to be blessed with voluminous hair, curves, legs that go for miles, and little to no excess fat. Even the middle-aged and elderly women were chic, stylish, and strong. How they manage to retain such figures despite a diet consisting entirely of carbs is a mystery to me.
They took me to the famous Milanese Duomo and to see the equally famous, outrageously expensive Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II.
The happy hour, Italian style. Italians know how to do it right—you order a drink for somewhere between €7 to €9, and the food is free.
That’s right, the food is free.
A buffet full of Italian food, as much as you can possibly eat, for free! And the menu keeps changing throughout the night so you’re never tired of eating the same thing. Incredible. If only they had deals like that in America.
We climbed the 265 steps (I counted, in Italian of course) up to the top of the cathedral. The view was stunning—both of the cathedral itself and of the city below.
Before my visit I’d heard many warnings that Milan isn’t beautiful, that people are often disappointed when they got there. I once heard an Italian say outright, “Milan is a stink hole. Don’t go.” But I beg to differ. I loved Milan. I loved how urban, how real it was.
You can count me in for a move to Milan."

the Italian guy talking shit must've been a jealous one from Rome...
love it when they talk about my city, quite emotional

from an American, impressions about Milano:
"Imagine Paris.
Now, imagine New York.
Now, imagine that New York and Paris fused themselves together and relocated to northern Italy. 
Streamlined, classic European architecture that I love with a grungier feel, more graffiti, and relentless drivers. High fashion, fierce fashion, spikes and stilettos and huge sunglasses wherever you look. Street markets, enough handbags to feed India for a week, shoe stores and lingerie stores lining every block. That’s Milan.
The first thing I noticed about Milan is that the women were beautiful. Italian women all seem to be blessed with voluminous hair, curves, legs that go for miles, and little to no excess fat. Even the middle-aged and elderly women were chic, stylish, and strong. How they manage to retain such figures despite a diet consisting entirely of carbs is a mystery to me.
They took me to the famous Milanese Duomo and to see the equally famous, outrageously expensive Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II.
The happy hour, Italian style. Italians know how to do it right—you order a drink for somewhere between €7 to €9, and the food is free.
That’s right, the food is free.
A buffet full of Italian food, as much as you can possibly eat, for free! And the menu keeps changing throughout the night so you’re never tired of eating the same thing. Incredible. If only they had deals like that in America.
We climbed the 265 steps (I counted, in Italian of course) up to the top of the cathedral. The view was stunning—both of the cathedral itself and of the city below.
Before my visit I’d heard many warnings that Milan isn’t beautiful, that people are often disappointed when they got there. I once heard an Italian say outright, “Milan is a stink hole. Don’t go.” But I beg to differ. I loved Milan. I loved how urban, how real it was.
You can count me in for a move to Milan."

the Italian guy talking shit must've been a jealous one from Rome...
love it when they talk about my city, quite emotional

from an American, impressions about Milano:
"Imagine Paris.
Now, imagine New York.
Now, imagine that New York and Paris fused themselves together and relocated to northern Italy. 
Streamlined, classic European architecture that I love with a grungier feel, more graffiti, and relentless drivers. High fashion, fierce fashion, spikes and stilettos and huge sunglasses wherever you look. Street markets, enough handbags to feed India for a week, shoe stores and lingerie stores lining every block. That’s Milan.
The first thing I noticed about Milan is that the women were beautiful. Italian women all seem to be blessed with voluminous hair, curves, legs that go for miles, and little to no excess fat. Even the middle-aged and elderly women were chic, stylish, and strong. How they manage to retain such figures despite a diet consisting entirely of carbs is a mystery to me.
They took me to the famous Milanese Duomo and to see the equally famous, outrageously expensive Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II.
The happy hour, Italian style. Italians know how to do it right—you order a drink for somewhere between €7 to €9, and the food is free.
That’s right, the food is free.
A buffet full of Italian food, as much as you can possibly eat, for free! And the menu keeps changing throughout the night so you’re never tired of eating the same thing. Incredible. If only they had deals like that in America.
We climbed the 265 steps (I counted, in Italian of course) up to the top of the cathedral. The view was stunning—both of the cathedral itself and of the city below.
Before my visit I’d heard many warnings that Milan isn’t beautiful, that people are often disappointed when they got there. I once heard an Italian say outright, “Milan is a stink hole. Don’t go.” But I beg to differ. I loved Milan. I loved how urban, how real it was.
You can count me in for a move to Milan."

the Italian guy talking shit must've been a jealous one from Rome...
love it when they talk about my city, quite emotional

“What is the fatal charm of Italy? What do we find there that can be found nowhere else? I believe it is a certain permission to be human, which other places, other countries, lost long ago.”
(Erica Jong)

"How do people in Italy stay so skinny?!? I have yet to see a single overweight person in all of Italy.
You have apertivos (a pre-drink with food), then followed by real dinner (first course pasta, second course meat), and then dessert. And all that cheese. And did I mention gelato?
No one really exercises that much either.
It makes no sense."

answer: SEX (lol)

"I was feeling very well @ Milan, I was feeling at home. Usually one does not come back to old things but I'd like to come back to Milan. It's fantastic. If they need help (YES THEY NEED............), they know where I am".
(Zlatan Ibrahimovic, now @ Paris Saint Germain, speaking in Sweden)
......................... this means either he wants more money in Paris, or the family doesn't like Paris (he probably doesn't like french football) and his wife was robbed by a french thief.

"a couple of gigs in my spiritual home of Italy is enough to perk anybody up and true to form the gigs had enough healing properties to raise t
he dead, let alone give a tired man a lift!! They were unbelievable nights. 2 of the very best.
What is it with you Italians? Why do you seem to "get it" more than anyone else? It's a constant source of fascination for me. On the other hand it also means one spends most of the time trapped in hotels as you can't leave for fear of being kidnapped or trampled to death or kissed to within an inch of your life (these are not complaints . . . just observations!). These people sing their own versions of songs in between the songs they've paid to see you sing!! They sang for Mancini! They sang for Mario Balotelli! They sang very nearly every Oasis song imaginable! The girls flashed there upper regions! They laughed and then they cried and then they surrounded the hotel thus ensuring that there could be no conceivable way to enter it without all the aforementioned things taking place again!
(Noel Gallagher, the arse licker)

“What is the fatal charm of Italy? What do we find there that can be found nowhere else? I believe it is a certain permission to be human, which other places, other countries, lost long ago.”
(Erica Jong)

"How do people in Italy stay so skinny?!? I have yet to see a single overweight person in all of Italy.
You have apertivos (a pre-drink with food), then followed by real dinner (first course pasta, second course meat), and then dessert. And all that cheese. And did I mention gelato?
No one really exercises that much either.
It makes no sense."

answer: SEX (lol)

"I was feeling very well @ Milan, I was feeling at home. Usually one does not come back to old things but I'd like to come back to Milan. It's fantastic. If they need help (YES THEY NEED............), they know where I am".
(Zlatan Ibrahimovic, now @ Paris Saint Germain, speaking in Sweden)
......................... this means either he wants more money in Paris, or the family doesn't like Paris (he probably doesn't like french football) and his wife was robbed by a french thief.

"a couple of gigs in my spiritual home of Italy is enough to perk anybody up and true to form the gigs had enough healing properties to raise t
he dead, let alone give a tired man a lift!! They were unbelievable nights. 2 of the very best.
What is it with you Italians? Why do you seem to "get it" more than anyone else? It's a constant source of fascination for me. On the other hand it also means one spends most of the time trapped in hotels as you can't leave for fear of being kidnapped or trampled to death or kissed to within an inch of your life (these are not complaints . . . just observations!). These people sing their own versions of songs in between the songs they've paid to see you sing!! They sang for Mancini! They sang for Mario Balotelli! They sang very nearly every Oasis song imaginable! The girls flashed there upper regions! They laughed and then they cried and then they surrounded the hotel thus ensuring that there could be no conceivable way to enter it without all the aforementioned things taking place again!
(Noel Gallagher, the arse licker)

“What is the fatal charm of Italy? What do we find there that can be found nowhere else? I believe it is a certain permission to be human, which other places, other countries, lost long ago.”
(Erica Jong)

"How do people in Italy stay so skinny?!? I have yet to see a single overweight person in all of Italy.
You have apertivos (a pre-drink with food), then followed by real dinner (first course pasta, second course meat), and then dessert. And all that cheese. And did I mention gelato?
No one really exercises that much either.
It makes no sense."

answer: SEX (lol)

"I was feeling very well @ Milan, I was feeling at home. Usually one does not come back to old things but I'd like to come back to Milan. It's fantastic. If they need help (YES THEY NEED............), they know where I am".
(Zlatan Ibrahimovic, now @ Paris Saint Germain, speaking in Sweden)
......................... this means either he wants more money in Paris, or the family doesn't like Paris (he probably doesn't like french football) and his wife was robbed by a french thief.

"a couple of gigs in my spiritual home of Italy is enough to perk anybody up and true to form the gigs had enough healing properties to raise t
he dead, let alone give a tired man a lift!! They were unbelievable nights. 2 of the very best.
What is it with you Italians? Why do you seem to "get it" more than anyone else? It's a constant source of fascination for me. On the other hand it also means one spends most of the time trapped in hotels as you can't leave for fear of being kidnapped or trampled to death or kissed to within an inch of your life (these are not complaints . . . just observations!). These people sing their own versions of songs in between the songs they've paid to see you sing!! They sang for Mancini! They sang for Mario Balotelli! They sang very nearly every Oasis song imaginable! The girls flashed there upper regions! They laughed and then they cried and then they surrounded the hotel thus ensuring that there could be no conceivable way to enter it without all the aforementioned things taking place again!
(Noel Gallagher, the arse licker)

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