Jaguar Experience: you can try Jaguar cars (new Manchester City sponsor) on 1 October on Vairano circuit (near Milan, where I was last month in the countryside), reservation required. 

English Jaguar, Manchester City new official sponsor. Song: Oasis, The shock of the lightning (2008). 
The car for Oasis fans. Other songs: "I'm gonna get me a motor car, maybe a Jaguar, maybe a plane or a day of fame"... (Going nowhere, '97) ..."She looks just like a star in a Jaguar, she needs to lighten her load... She met me down a disco in a beat up car, I was burning down the road, I can be a star in a Jaguar, I need to lighten my load..." (Step out, '95)
Noel Gallagher had a Jaguar Mark II.

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