from Scotland, Glasvegas again in Milano 14 March, Beady Eye 16 March.
Flowers and football tops

Lonesome swan

Geraldine video here 

+new album "Euphoric / Heartbreak" 

new song by the "best band in the world today", according to Alan McGee in Milan today.

Noel remembers his star-maker like this: "White jeans, red shoes, red hair and looking like he'd been on acid for six months – I just thought, 'What the fuck?'" ...McGee was there to meet a model but found Oasis.

Beady Eye concert is sold out but you have these characteristics:
- female is your sex
- you're available for sex :D
there are still free tickets
I'm just following what Alan said the other day, "to have kids" so to have less freaks around ahaha
Meanwhile, the people are organizing the nights to drink before and after the shows ^_^

from a recent interview with him: 

...I live in Wales and can’t stand London.

So what of Oasis’ break up? It certainly seems to have reinvigorated Liam, and there’s lots expected from Noel’s album. Do you think by 2009 a split had become the best thing for the brothers?

Yeah, they needed to go do their own thing which they are doing.

Not long after they split you expected a reunion within five years. Do you still hold that opinion?

Let’s see. I still think it’s unfinished business.

You could almost call Beady Eye a Creation band since former label mates Gem Archer and Andy Bell are still involved. People should be well aware of Andy Bell’s career before Oasis, but what of Gem Archer? Do you feel Heavy Stereo were a band with unfulfilled potential?

They were really good. Ride were amazing. Good luck to Liam – he’s very warm hearted and very like-able is Mr G.

Did you get the same buzz from listening to some of Noel’s new material as you did when hearing tracks from ‘Definitely Maybe’ and ‘…Morning Glory’ all those years ago?

Well his new songs are the best thing I have heard since the Glasvegas demos. To be honest, it’s only the Gallaghers and Glasvegas I like in modern music, other than that it’s still The Beatles for me.

Do you have any advise for bands trying to make it?

Become a hairdresser…

And finally, what do you feel is missing from awareness in music? What can fill that gap?

Have some kids! People that don’t have kids are freaks.

(by Joanne Ostrowski)
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