Noel Gallagher's idol ("only a rich politician is a good politician, 'cause he's already rich") and he was in one of Berlusconi's films. 
0:23 Federica Zanella, 0:30 red-head Vittoria Brambilla with a sweet dog adopted by Silvio, 2:25 Italian anthem "fratelli d'Italia" (brothers of Italy), 21:30 Berlusconi song Presidente siamo con te, meno male che Silvio c'èèèèè ghghghghgh (we are with you President, thank God there is you LOL) 
Big news was: he said that if he wins, he's giving back the money the people had to pay for a recent tax on the houses, that the rival Monti made pay, and remove it.

Mario Balotelli scored 2 goals at his debut, AC Milan-Udinese 2-1, he dominated and could score 4 and was Man-of-the-Match
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