meeting Beady Eye again in Milan, on 28 March for a tv programme, Top of the Pops. 
If you want to come, let me know ( 

see the part around 0:54 :) 

Beady Pretty Italy. Now it's spring, beautiful sun in these days. Remember the Pretty Green Italy blog (but of course it's not only about Italy), where are the main posts about it since the beginning of Pretty Green (11 March 2009 in Milan, the 2nd "birthday" was some days ago, though Pretty Green officially celebrates its birthdays on the official launch day, 9 June, that is also my birthday), so it's easier to read the articles about it, with less stuff around, bigger images, etc.
soon I'm gonna remove the "blogspot" and add more old stuff and make some changes, as in a few time there's gonna be a shop in Milan too (let's say months...first New York and Japan, they're far away so they need a shop there). You know, posts, comments and all can be easily "transferred" from a web to another one.
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