It's almost Italy's 150th anniversary (17 March, at midnight after Beady Eye's concert here), national holiday. A very old history but also a very young country.

By the way, about celebrating: from 4 to 6 March, "Italia beer festival Milano" @ Palasharp, you can taste hundreds of beers (and eat :), cheese, cakes, salted pork meats, etc.). 
Bring the Light: "I'm taking you drinking" :)

Photo in Milan with a certain Liam Gallagher some days ago at Virgin radio.
Half week, Beady Eye are 1. in the international chart, most wanted in the world :)
It's some time we don't create a competition eh? It's about time :)
I've seen there are some around (on radios & sites), to win the Beady Eye concert in Milan.
I know there are people who are still looking for a ticket, as Beady Eye are playing only in small venues, and as you know in England the tickets were sold out in 25 minutes. So this competition is useful also to see the situation now.
I think there should be more competitions around, also in other countries, and we should exhange little holidays :) ("it's about time that your mind took a holiday, you're all grown up, don't you ever wanna play?" (competitions :) - Four Letter Word). By the way, I wrote a little letter to Liam :), there was too much to say, and I've seen he was reading it.
We'll see if there's also a chance to meet Beady Eye again, in the backstage, or at the hotel, or club-restaurant again, or pub or some other place, as some radio/television. Last time I gave my phone number to Liam, "I'm here if you wanna call", lol (new song). In fact, when I left him, later I received a phone call but I lost it, didn't ask if it was him trying to call. As you know he uses the computer very much and visits Oasisblues :)
So here's our simple question:
which are the 2 missing words in this Beady Eye song?

You’re giving it another try
standing at the deep XXXX XXX
and you say to the driver, just drive
'cause you’ve never felt so alive

a) beady eye
b) blue sky
c) apple pie

send your answer to
then we'll make a draw. I'll call Noel for that :), after the FA Cup draw he's an expert.
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